Coupon batches allow you to create large numbers of coupons with usage limits and randomly generated coupon codes, in order to closely target and monitor coupon use.

To create a new coupon batch:

The following table describes the coupon batch properties:



Coupon Code (prefix)

For coupon batches, the coupon code is used as an identifying prefix. The coupon code is used when the customer claims a coupon, along with a randomly generated coupon number and validation code.

Note that you cannot edit this value once the coupons have been generated.

Number of Coupons (required)

How many coupons to generate as part of the batch. Note that after the coupons have been generated, you cannot add more to an existing batch.

Coupon Name (required)

Name for the coupon.

Start & End Date (optional)

If the coupon is only good for a certain time period, enter the start and end of the availability period.

Coupon Usage Limit (optional)

Number of times each coupon in the batch can be used. The default setting is 1.

Parent Folder (optional)

If you want to move the coupon from its current location, you can select a different parent folder, or create a new folder.

Promotions (optional)

Select one or more existing promotions, or create a new promotion with which to associate this coupon. You do not have to associate any promotions with a coupon when you create the coupon; however, in order to distribute the coupon to customers, you must associate the coupon with one or more promotions.

Redeemable on

If you are using the multisite feature, specify whether the coupon can be redeemed on all sites, or only on those sites with the coupon’s associated promotion is connected (see Sites Tab).

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