The order and profile search configuration is administered using the Dynamo Server Admin and is comprised of the following components:

Full Text Search Components

The following primary classes and interfaces are used for order and profile searches.

Location and Name



This component sets the LiveIndexingSupported
and LiveSearchingSupported properties. It also delegates all the calls to the defined database client and indexing session.


Identifies the database that is installed, the column of the search table that contains search tokens, and other database specific configurations. It also is used to identify the databaseToTextLanguage property, which identifies the databases used:



Configures indexing functions that construct operations maps. Operation maps are built using resource keys that link messages and SQL statements together.


Contains information detailing generic SQL that can be executed against any database. SQL can have placeholders that identify common tables, index names, etc., and are resolved by the IndexingOutputConfig file. The NumberOfItemsToIndex defines the SQL that obtains the total number of items that will be indexed as part of the baseline index process. PopulateStaging defines the SQL and placeholder values that are needed to produce the tokens used when performing searches. TruncateStaging defines the SQL and place holder values used to clear the staging table.


Executes the SQL for the indexing process, and maps the SQL place holder values.


Contains database-specific SQL information needed to merge data from staging tables into the token tables. Only items that have been changed or are not in the token table will be merged. This file also defines messages that are displayed in the UI, and a map of placeholder values that link to properties used in the IndexingOutputConfig file.


Provides the interface for all types of indexing:

baseline – Wipes all data and reloads it.
manual – Allows definition of specified re-indexing criteria.
increment – Performs scheduled live updates of items.


The necessary methods to build the database vendor-specific SQL needed to perform bulk, incremental and live updates on a specific database type. Each database type has a properties file that provides configuration information as well as the following properties:

indexingOperations – A key=value format that defines the steps involved in the indexing operations. The key links the SQL and the UI messages used when performing the database operation. The value defines the SQL to run during the operation.
– Defines the list of database operations to perform, such as NumberOfItemsToIndex, PopulateStaging, TruncateStaging and MergeStagingToTokens.


Specified output options defining properties for indexing along with SQL to generate the necessary search tokens.


The base class for scheduling indexing operations. Extends the SingletonScheduleService.

Order Search Components

The following components are used when performing order searches. These components reside in the DCS.TextSearch module.

Location and Name



Used to provide any additional information for each database vendor type. For example, if your database type requires specific numbering formats, etc.


Identifies the database SQL to perform order indexing.


Allows an administrator to re-index orders by creation date range. For information on performing manual indexing, refer to the Performing a Manual Re-Index section.


Allows an administrator to re-index orders by ID. For information on performing manual indexing, refer to the Performing a Manual Re-Index section.


Allows an administrator to re-index orders by the last modified date range. For information on performing manual indexing, refer to the Performing a Manual Re-Index section.


Allows an administrator to re-index orders by the submitted date range. For information on performing manual indexing, refer to the Performing a Manual Re-Index section.


Sets the repositoryItemName to listen to for changes, and the modifiableProperties that trigger a re-index. By default, changes to the lastModifiedDate property trigger a re-index.


The OrderOutputConfig configures data and components needed for performing indexing of order items.

The component class IndexingOutputConfig creates the AdminServlet, which drives the UI in the Dynamo Server Admin. The UI is used to perform indexing operations, as described earlier in this table.

The OrderOutputConfig in the /LiveIndex directory allows you to identify the indexing sessions that perform baseline, incremental or manual indexing of orders by setting the order /atg/commerce/


Contains the order baseline scheduling and lock management information.

Profile Search Components

The following components are used when performing profile searches. These components reside in the DPS.TextSearch module.

Location and Name


  Listener  Config

Identifies the repository item to listen to for changes, the RQL details that indicate an index can be performed and properties that, when modified, trigger an index.


Used to provide any additional information for each database.


Database SQL for profile searches.


Allows an administrator to re-index profiles by ID. For information on performing manual indexing, refer to the Performing a Manual Re-Index section.


Allows an administrator to re-index profiles by the last modified date range. For information on performing manual indexing, refer to the Performing a Manual Re-Index section.


Sets the repositoryItemName to listen to for changes, and the modifiableProperties that trigger a re-index. By default, changes to the following properties trigger a re-index:



The ProfileOutputConfig configures data and components needed for performing indexing of profile items.

The component class IndexingOutputConfig creates the AdminServlet, which drives the UI in the Dynamo Server Admin. The UI is used to perform indexing operations, as described earlier in this table.

The ProfileOutputConfig in the /LiveIndex directory allows you to identify the indexing sessions that perform baseline, incremental or manual indexing of profiles by setting the profile /atg/userprofiling/textsearch/


Contains the profile baseline scheduling and lock management information.

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