The ContentRequestUrlDroplet, which extends the FrameworkUrlDroplet, generates a URL with the content URI or content collection name encoded as a URL parameter. The droplet generates URLs for category browse navigation links, default and follow-on content URIs, as well as the auto suggest collection content.





The servlet bean identifies the default URL for the search results page using the searchResultsPageURL property. By default, the value is set to /framework.jsp?ps=cmcCatalogPS&
. The ContentRequestUrlDroplet contains the following parameters. Note that only a single dimensionId, contentPath or navigationAction parameter can be used to determine the content URI. If no value is provided for contentPath or navigationAction, the default content URI will be used:

Input Parameters

Open Parameters


The following example identifies the defaultContentURI as the content path:

<dsp:droplet name="ContentRequestURLDroplet">
  <dsp:param name="contentPath" value="${endecaConfig.defaultContentURI}" />
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    <dsp:getvalueof var="contentURL" bean="ContentRequestURLDroplet.url" />

The following example uses a navigationAction:

<dsp:droplet name="ContentRequestUrlDroplet">
  <dsp:param name="navigationAction" value="${sortOption}" />
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
    <dsp:getvalueof var="contentURL" bean="ContentRequestURLDroplet.url" />

The following is an example of a navigation action with a record offset:

<dsp:droplet name="ContentRequestURLDroplet">
<dsp:param name="navigationAction"
<dsp:param name="recordOffset" value="${pageRecordIndex}"/>
<dsp:param name="recordsPerPage" value="${recsPerPage}"/>
<dsp:oparam name="output">
  <dsp:getvalueof var="contentURL" bean="ContentRequestURLDroplet.url"/>
  <a href="#" onclick="atgSubmitAction({url: '${contentURL}'});return false;">
      <c:out value="${pageNumber}"/></a>

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