The /atg/commerce/custsvc/util/CSRConfigurator component configures Commerce Service Center settings, through the following properties:

Property Name



Checks if two sites are in the same cart sharing site group. Also finds sites in the cart sharing site group.

This variable is used with environment management. For information on environment management, refer to the Ticketing User Guide.


Specifies the catalogTools component to use. The default is /atg/commerce/catalog
, For information on the catalogTools component, refer to the Core Commerce Programming Guide.


Indicates the Site Type, as configured in the Site Administration Console in the Oracle Commerce Business Control Center Home page. The default for Commerce Service Center is set to commerce. For additional information on site types, refer to the Multisite Administration Guide.


Sets the default appeasement limit that an agent can offer. The default format for the limit is USD=500.00. For additional information on this property, refer to Setting Global Appeasement Limits.


Identifies the default catalog to use when an anonymous user profile is created. For additional information on this property, refer to Configuring Current Catalog and Price Lists.


Sets a default icon to use if there is no icon identified for the site. For additional information on this property, refer to Configuring the Default Site Icon.


Specifies the global default site that is loaded when the agent logs in. For additional information on this property, refer to Configuring the Default Site.


The number of promotion closeness qualifiers to display on the shopping cart. The default number is set to 10.


Identifies the payment group type configurations to display. For additional information on this property, refer to Customizing a Payment Group Type.


The type of payment groups that can be initialized by the Payment Group Droplet. These include creditCard, storeCredit and giftCertificate. For additional information on this property, refer to Customizing a Payment Group Type.


Sets the location of the pricing tools used for the running commerce application. The default location is set to /atg/commerce/pricing/PricingTools. For additional information on pricingTools, refer to the Core Commerce Programming Guide.


If set to true, then the return request process will begin immediately. The default is set to false.


The maximum number of characters that the quantity field will accept. The default number is set to 10. Fractional quantities can be implemented on products and SKUs by setting the FractionalQuantitiesAllowed property of the SKU to true. For information on using product and SKU fractional quantities, refer to the Core Commerce Programming Guide.


The display size of the quantity input field. If the quantityInputTagMaxLength size is set to 10, yet the quantityInputTagSize is set to 5, the user will be able to enter 10 characters, but only 5 of the 10 characters will be displayed. The default number is set to 10.


Identifies the shipping group type configurations to display. For additional information on this property, refer to Customizing a Shipping Group Type.


The type of shipping groups that can be initialized by the Shipping Group Droplet. This includes hardgoodShippingGroup and electronicShippingGroup. For additional information on this property, refer to Customizing a Shipping Group Type.


Identifies the supported payment group types for modified orders. If an order has a type that is not in the configuration file, it will not load the order. For additional information on this property, refer to Customizing a Payment Group Type.


If set to true, indicates that the running commerce application uses gift lists. For additional information on this property, refer to Working with Wish and Gift Lists.


Specifies if the Oracle Commerce Core Commerce In Store Pickup features are enabled. The default is true. In Store Pickup uses the InStorePickupPaymentGroup and CashPaymentGroup, as well as the InStoreShippingGroup. Refer to the Working with Shipping and Payment Groups section for information. For setting up In Store Pickup features, refer to the Core Commerce Programming Guide.


Specifies if Order Approvals are enabled. The default is true. For additional information on this property, refer to Enabling the Order Approval Process.


If set to true, indicates that the running commerce application uses price lists. For additional information on this property, refer to the Using the Current Price List.


Indicates if a sales price list has been enabled. For information on this property, refer to the Add On Modifications section of Appendix B: CIM Configuration Components


Specifies if Scheduled Orders are enabled. The default is true. For additional information on this property, refer to Enabling and Disabling Scheduled Orders

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