XACML Policy Enforcement Point


The eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) filter enables you to configure the API Gateway to act as a PEP. The API Gateway intercepts a user request to a resource, and enforces the decision from the Policy Decision Point (PDP). The API Gateway queries the PDP to see if the user has access to the resource, and depending on the PDP response, allows the filter to pass or fail. Possible PDP responses include Permit, Deny, NotApplicable, and Indeterminate.

XACML PEP Architecture


In more detail, when the XACML PEP filter is configured in the API Gateway, the workflow is as follows:

  1. The client sends a request for the resource to the XACML PEP filter.

  2. The PEP filter stores the original client request, and generates the XACML request.

  3. The PEP filter delegates message-level security to the polices configured on the XACML tab.

  4. The PEP filter routes the XACML request to the PDP using details configured on the Routing tab.

  5. The PDP decides if access should be granted, and sends the XACML response back to the API Gateway.

  6. The PEP filter validates the response from the PDP.

  7. By default, if the response is Permit, the PEP filter passes, and the original client request for the resource is authorized, and the policy flow continues on the success path.

Further Information

For more details on XACML, see the XACML specification:


Example XACML request

The following example XACML request is used to illustrate the XACML request configuration settings explained in this topic:

<Request xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" 
     <Attribute AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id" 
     <Attribute AttributeId=”department" DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/
     <Attribute AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:resource:resource-id" 
     <Attribute AttributeId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:action:action-id" 

General settings

In the XACML PEP filter screen, configure the following general field:


Enter an appropriate name for this filter.

XACML settings

The XACML tab specifies configuration settings for the generated XACML request. Configure the following fields on this tab:

XACML Version:

Select the XACML version from the list. Defaults to XACML2_0.

Create XACML Request Assertion with the following attributes:

Click the Add button on the following tabs to add attributes to the XACML request:

Subject Represents the entity making the access request (wants access to the resource). The Subject element can contain multiple Attribute elements used to identify the Subject. Each Attribute element has two attributes: AttributeId and DataType. You can define your own AttributeId or use those provided by the XACML specification. For more details on adding attributes, see the next subsection.
Resource Defines the data, service, or system component that the Subject wants to access. The Resource element contains one or more attributes of the resource to which subjects request access. There can be only one Resource element per XACML request. A specific Resource is identified by the Attribute child element. In the Example XACML Request, the Subject wants to access the following Resource:

Action Contains one or more attributes of the action that subjects wish to perform on the resource. There can be only one Action element per XACML request. A specific Action is identified by the Attribute child element. In the Example XACML Request, the Subject wants read access the following Resource:

Environment A more complex request context may contain some attributes not associated with the Subject, Resource, or Action. These are placed in an optional Environment element after the Action element.

Adding Attributes

When you click the Add button on each tab, the XACML dialog is displayed to enable you to add attributes. Complete the following fields on this dialog:

Attribute ID Enter a custom AttributeId or select one provided by the XACML specification from the list. For example, the XACML special identifiers defined for the Subject include the following:


















In the Example XACML Request, the first attribute under the Subject element uses the urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:subject:subject-id identifier. The next is a custom department attribute. This can be any custom attribute for example, mail, givenName, or accessList), which is identified by the XACML policy defined where this request is evaluated.
Value(s) Click the Add button to add an attribute value. Enter the value in the Add dialog, and click OK. You can add multiple values for a single attribute.
Type Select the type of data that the AttributeValue element should contain from the list. For example, the set of data types defined in XACML includes the following:















In the Example XACML Request, the Attributes are of type http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string.
Issuer Specify an optional issuer for the attribute. For example, this may be a Distinguished Name, or some other identifier agreed with the issuer.

AuthzDecisionQuery Settings

This section enables you to configure settings for the Authorization Decision Query, which is sent in the XACML request to the PDP. Complete the following fields in this group:

Decision based on external XACML attributes If this is selected, the authorization decision must be made based only on the information contained in the XACML Authz Decision Query, and external XACML attributes must not be used. If this is unselected, the authorization decision can be made based on XACML attributes not contained in the XACML Authz Decision Query. This is unselected by default, which is equivalent to the following setting in the XACML Authz Decision Query:

<InputContextOnly value="false">
Return Context If this is selected, the PDP must include an xacmlcontext:Request instance in the XACMLAuthzDecision statement in the XACMLAuthzDecision response. The xacmlcontext:Request instance must include all attributes supplied by the PEP in the xacml-samlp:XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery used to make the authorization decision. If this is unselected, the PDP must not include an xacmlcontext:Request instance in the XACMLAuthzDecision statement in the XACMLAuthzDecision response. This is unselected by default, which is equivalent to the following setting in the XACML request:

<ReturnContext value="false">
Combine Policies If this is selected, the PDP must insert all policies passed in the xacmlsamlp:XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery into the set of policies or policy sets that define the PDP. If this is unselected, there must be no more than one xacml:Policy or xacml:PolicySet passed in the xacml-samlp:XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery. This is selected by default, which is equivalent to the following setting in the XACML request:

<CombinePolicies value="true">

XACML Message Security

This section enables you to delegate message-level security to the configured custom security polices. Complete the following fields in this group:

XACML Request Security Click the browse button, select a policy in the XACML request security policy dialog, and click OK.
XACML Response Security Click the browse button, select a policy in the XACML response security policy dialog, and click OK.

XACML Response:

Select the Required response decision from the PDP that is required for this XACML PEP filter to pass. Defaults to Permit. Possible values are as follows:

  • Permit

  • Deny

  • Indeterminate

  • NotApplicable

Routing settings

The Routing tab enables you to specify configuration settings for routing the XACML request to the PDP. You can specify a direct connection to the PDP using a URL. Alternatively, if the routing behavior is more complex, you can delegate to a custom routing policy, which takes care of the added complexity.

Use the following URL:

To route XACML requests to a URL, select this option, and enter the URL. You can also specify the URL as a selector so that the URL is built dynamically at runtime from the specified message attributes. For example, ${host}:${port}, or ${http.destination.protocol}://${http.destination.host}:${http.destination.port}. For more details on selectors, see Selecting configuration values at runtime.

You can configure SSL settings, credential profiles for authentication, and other settings for the direct connection using the tabs in the Connection Details group. For more details, see the Connect to URL topic.

Delegate routing to the following policy:

To use a dedicated routing policy to send XACML requests to the PDP, select this option. Click the browse button next to the Routing Policy field. Select the policy to use to route XACML requests, and click OK.

Advanced settings

Configure the following settings on the Advanced tab:

SOAP Settings:

The available SOAP settings are as follows:

SOAP version required Specifies the SOAP version required when creating the XACML request message. The available options are as follows:
  • SOAP1_1

  • SOAP1_2

  • NONE

Defaults to SOAP1_1.
SOAP Operation Specifies the SOAP operation name used in the XACML request message. Defaults to XACMLAuthzDecisionQuery.
Prefix Specifies the prefix name used in the XACML request message. Defaults to xacml-samlp.
Namespace Specifies the namespace used in the XACML request message. Defaults to urn:oasis:xacml:2.0:saml:protocol:schema:os.
SOAP Action You can specify an optional SOAPAction field used in the XACML request header to indicate the intent of the request message.

Advanced Settings:

The available advanced settings are as follows:

Store and restore original message Specifies whether to store the original client request before generating the XACML request, and then to restore the original client request after access is granted. This option is selected by default.
Split subject attributes into individual elements Specifies whether to split Subject attributes into individual elements in the XACML request. This option is not selected by default.
Split resource attributes into individual elements Specifies whether to split Resource attributes into individual elements in the XACML request. This option is not selected by default.