TIBCO Rendezvous listener


TIBCO Rendezvous® is the leading low latency messaging product for real-time high throughput data distribution applications. A message can be sent from the TIBCO daemon running on the local machine to a single TIBCO daemon running on a separate host machine or it can be broadcast to several daemons running on multiple machines. Each message has a subject associated with it, which acts as the destination of the message.

A listener, which is itself a TIBCO daemon, can declare an interest in a subject on a specific daemon. Whenever a message is delivered to this subject on the daemon the message will be delivered to the listening daemon.

The API Gateway can act as a listener on a specific subject at a TIBCO daemon, in which case it said to be acting as a consumer of TIBCO messages. Similarly, it can also send messages to a TIBCO daemon, effectively acting as a producer of messages. For more information on how to send messages to other TIBCO Rendezvous programs, see the TIBCO Rendezvous Routing filter.


A TIBCO Rendezvous Listener is configured at the API Gateway instance level in the Policy Studio. To add a listener, right-click the API Gateway instance in the tree view of the Policy Studio. Select the TIBCO > Rendezvous Listener > Add option from the context menu. Configure the following fields on the TIBCO Rendezvous Listener dialog:

TIBCO Settings Tab:

Enter the name of the subject that you want this consumer to listen for in the Rendezvous Subject field. Only messages addressed with this subject are consumed by the listener.

Click the button next to the TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon to use field, and select a previously configured TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon to communicate with other TIBCO programs. To add a TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon, right-click the TIBCO Rendezvous Daemons tree node, and select Add a TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon. For more details, see the TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon topic.

Policy to Use:

When messages with the specified subject have been consumed they must be passed into a policy where they can be processed accordingly. Select the policy that you want to use to process consumed messages from the tree.