Send to Amazon SQS


Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a hosted message queuing service for distributing messages amongst machines. API Gateway acts as a client to SQS and can send messages to SQS. You can use the Send to Amazon SQS filter to send messages to an SQS queue.

For more information on Amazon SQS, go to

General settings

Configure the following settings on the Send to Amazon SQS window:


Enter a suitable name for the filter.

AWS settings

AWS Credential:

Click the browse button to select your AWS security credentials (API key and secret) for Amazon SQS.


Select the region in which to access the SQS service. You can choose from the following options:

  • US East (Northern Virginia)

  • US West (Oregon)

  • US West (Northern California)

  • EU (Ireland)

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)

  • South America (Sao Paulo)

  • US GovCloud

Client settings:

Click the browse button to select the AWS client configuration to be used by API Gateway when connecting to Amazon SQS. For more information on configuring client settings, see the section called “Configure AWS client settings”.

Send message settings

Configure the following settings on the Send Message tab:

Queue name:

Enter the name of the queue to send the message to. The default name is publishQueue. To create a new queue with the specified name click the Create option.

Send the message payload:

Select this option to send the message payload to the queue.

Or send the value of the attribute below to SQS:

Select this option to send the value of an attribute to the queue. Complete the following fields:

  • Attribute Name:

    Enter the name of the attribute.

  • Content Type:

    Enter the content type to be used for sending the message to SQS (for example, text/plain).

  • Content Encoding:

    Enter the content encoding.

Advanced settings

On the Advanced tab you can configure how to handle messages that are larger than 256KB in size. Configure these fields:

Split message into smaller ones:

Select this option to split the message into smaller messages before sending it to the queue.

Store in S3 and place pointer on SQS queue:

Select this option to store the payload in Amazon S3 and place a pointer to S3 in the queue. Configure the S3 settings as described in the section called “S3 settings”.

Further information

For more detailed information on Amazon Web Services integration, see the AWS Integration Guide available from Axway Support.