XML decryption


The XML-Decryption filter is responsible for decrypting data in XML messages based on the settings configured in the XML-Decryption Settings filter.

The XML-Decryption Settings filter generates the decryption.properties message attribute based on configuration settings. The XML-Decryption filter uses these properties to perform the decryption of the data.


Enter an appropriate name for the filter in the Name field.

Auto-generation using the XML decryption wizard

Because the XML-Decryption filter must always be paired with an XML-Decryption Settings filter, the Policy Studio provides a wizard that can generate both of these filters at the same time. To use the wizard, right-click a policy node under the Policies node in the Policy Studio tree, and select XML Decryption Settings.

Configure the fields on the XML Decryption Settings dialog as explained in the XML decryption settings topic. When finished, an XML-Decryption Settings filter is created along with an XML-Decryption filter.