Advanced Filter View


You can use the advanced filter view in the Policy Studio to edit all filter settings as text values. This enables you to edit each field as a text value regardless of whether the field is displayed as a radio button, checkbox, or drop-down list in the default user-friendly view for the filter.

This also means that you can specify all filter fields using the API Gateway selector syntax. This enables settings to be evaluated and expanded at runtime using metadata (for example, from message attributes, a Key Property Store (KPS), or environment variables). This is a powerful feature for System Integrators (SIs) and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) when integrating with other systems.

[Important] Important

You should only modify filter settings using the advanced filter view under strict advice and supervision from the Oracle Support team.


To enable the advanced filter view for a filter in the Policy Studio, press the Shift key when opening the filter. For example, you can press Shift, and double-click a filter on the policy canvas. Alternatively, you can press Shift, right-click the filter in the Policy Studio tree or policy canvas, and select Edit.

In the advanced filter view, settings are displayed with the following characters before the field name:

  • Required: * (for example, *name)

  • Reference: ^ (for example, ^proxyServer)

  • Radio attribute: (:) (for example, (:)httpAuthType)

Editing Filter Settings

You can specify all fields in this view using text values (for example, values such as, false, 0, -1, 500, and so on). Alternatively, you can use the API Gateway Selector syntax to expand values at runtime. The following example selector expands the user agent header sent by the client in the http.headers message attribute:


For example, this selector might return a user agent header such as the following at runtime:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/16.0.912.77 

For more details on the API Gateway selector syntax, see Selecting configuration values at runtime. To confirm your updates, you must click Save Changes at the bottom right of the dialog. Alternatively, at any stage, you can click Restore Defaults to return to the original factory settings.

Returning to the Default Filter View

When you have finished editing filter settings in the Advanced Filter View, deselect the Show Advanced Filter View setting in Preferences. Then when you edit a selected filter on the policy canvas, the default user-friendly view for the filter is displayed.