An Oracle Security Service Module (SSM) integrates a secured application (in this case, the API Gateway) with an Oracle Entitlements Server (OES) 10g so that security administration (for example, roles, resources, and policies) is delegated to the Oracle Entitlements Server 10g. An SSM must be installed on the machine hosting the application to be secured by the Oracle Entitlements Server 10g. The SSM runs in-process with the secured application, which improves performance and on-the-wire security.
In the Policy Studio, select the Settings node in the tree, and click the Security Service Module tab at the bottom of the screen. The Security Service Module settings enable you to configure the API Gateway to act as a Java SSM. For more details on Oracle Entitlements Server 10g and SSMs, see the Oracle Entitlements Server website.
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Important |
Oracle SSM is required only for integration with Oracle OES 10g. Oracle SSM is not required for integration with Oracle OES 11g. OES 10g was previously known as BEA AquaLogic Enterprise Security (ALES). Some items, such as schema objects, paths, and so on, may still use the ALES name. |
Before configuring the settings on the Security Service Module tab, you must perform the following prerequisite tasks:
Test the SSM installation
Because the API Gateway is running a Java SSM internally, it is recommended that the example Java SSM client that ships with the OES installation is set up and configured. This example can be found in the following directory:
Follow the instructions in the README file in this directory to test the installation. When the
testing of the JavaAPIExample
is complete, all the configuration files for an SSM
instance are located in the /ales32-ssm/java-ssm/SSM-Name
directory, where
is the name of the SSM setup when testing the example.
Configure the API Gateway classpath
The API Gateway classpath must be updated to include the JARs and configuration files for
the SSM instance. The jvm.xml
file must be updated so that various
environment variables and the SSM-Name
are updated to reflect the installation
of the Java SSM. At minimum, the following must be updated in jvm.xml
<Environment name="BEA_HOME" value="/opt/apps/bea" > <Environment name="INSTANCE_NAME" value="SSM-Name" >
For example, to modify the classpath, place the following jvm.xml
in the conf
directory of the API Gateway installation:
<!--Additional JVM settings to run with Oracle Entitlements Server BEA_HOME must be set to the location where the SSM is installed--> <ConfigurationFragment> <!-- Environment variables --> <!-- change these to match location where SSM has been installed and configured --> <Environment name="BEA_HOME" value="/opt/apps/bea" /> <Environment name="ALES_SHARED_HOME" value="$BEA_HOME/ales32-shared" /> <!-- Name of the SSM running in the API Gateway, replace the "SSM-Name" with the name of the SSM for the API Gateway --> <Environment name="INSTANCE_NAME" value="SSM-Name" /> <Environment name="INSTANCE_HOME" value="$BEA_HOME/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/instance/ $INSTANCE_NAME" /> <Environment name="PDP_PROXY" value="$INSTANCE_HOME/pdpproxy" /> <!-- Location of the Java SSM libraries --> <!-- <ClassDir name="$BEA_HOME" /> --> <ClassDir name="$BEA_HOME/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/lib" /> <ClassDir name="$BEA_HOME/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/lib/providers/ales" /> <!-- Add location of the SSM configuration to classpath --> <ClassPath name="$INSTANCE_HOME/config/" /> <!-- Additional JVM parameters based on the %JAVA-OPTIONS% of set-env script in SSM instance running in API Gateway $BEA_HOME/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/instance/ssm-name/config--> <VMArg name="-Dwles.scm.port=7005" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.arme.port=8000" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.config.signer=Oracle Entitlements" /> <VMArg name="-Dlog4j.configuration=file:$INSTANCE_HOME/config/" /> <VMArg name="-Dlog4j.ignoreTCL=true" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.passwordFile=$ALES_SHARED_HOME/keys/password.xml" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.passwordKeyFile=$ALES_SHARED_HOME/keys/password.key" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.identityKeyStore=$ALES_SHARED_HOME/keys/identity.jceks" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.identityKeyAlias=wles-ssm" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.identityKeyPasswordAlias=wles-ssm" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.trustedCAKeyStore=$ALES_SHARED_HOME/keys/trust.jks" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.ssl.trustedPeerKeyStore=$ALES_SHARED_HOME/keys/peer.jks" /> <VMArg name="$INSTANCE_HOME/work/jar_temp" /> <VMArg name="-Darme.configuration=$INSTANCE_HOME/config/" /> <VMArg name="-Dales.blm.home=$INSTANCE_HOME" /> <VMArg name="-Dkodo.Log=log4j" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.scm.useSSL=true" /> <VMArg name="-Dwles.providers.dir=$BEA_HOME/ales32-ssm/java-ssm/lib/providers"/> <VMArg name="$PDP_PROXY/"/> </ConfigurationFragment>
Centralize all trace output
Oracle’s Java SSM uses log4j to output any diagnostics. You can also add these messages to the API Gateway trace output by adding the log4j that ships with the API Gateway to the following file:
Then the log4j.rootCategory=WARN, A1, ASIlogFile
line includes a new
appender called VordelTrace
as follows:
log4j.rootCategory=WARN, A1, ASIlogFile, VordelTrace
Add the configuration for this new appender by adding the following line to the file:
You can now start the API Gateway so that it runs with the Java SSM classpath and the centralized trace output.
Further information
For more details on configuring and testing SSMs, see the Oracle SSM Installation and Configuration Guide.
On the Security Service Module settings screen, configure the following fields on the Settings tab:
Enable Oracle Security Service Module:
Select whether to enable the API Gateway instance to act as an SSM. This setting is disabled by default.
Application Configuration Name:
Enter the Application Configuration name for the SSM instance. This is the name of your runtime application used by OES (for example, for monitoring purposes).
Configuration Name:
Enter the OES Configuration name for the SSM instance to be stored in the OES Configuration Repository. Configuration names share the same name as their Policy Domain names.
Application Configuration Properties:
Click Add to specify optional configuration properties as name-value pairs. Enter a Name and Value in the Properties dialog. Repeat to specify multiple properties.
Policy Domain Name:
Enter the OES Policy Domain name for the SSM instance. Policy Domains contain policy definitions (target resource, permission set, and policy). Policy Domain names share the same name as their Configuration names.
Configure the following field on the Name Authority Definition tab:
Name Authority Definition File:
Click the Browse button at the bottom right to configure the
Name Authority Definition file for the SSM. This is an XML file that specifies
the naming authority definition required for the API Gateway. For example, a
specified XML file named apigatewayNameAuthorityDefinition.xml
file should contain the following settings:
<AuthorityConfig> <AuthorityDefinition name="apigatewayResource" delimiters="/\"> <Attribute name="protocol" type="MULTI_TOKEN" authority="URLBASE" /> </AuthorityDefinition> <AuthorityDefinition name="apigatewayAction" delimiters="/"> <Attribute name="action" type="SINGLE_VALUE_TERMINAL"/> </AuthorityDefinition> </AuthorityConfig>
When you have configured the settings in the Security Service Module screen, you can use the following filters to integrate the API Gateway with Oracle Entitlements Server 10g: