What To Sign


The What To Sign section enables the administrator to define the exact content that must be signed for a SOAP message to pass the corresponding filter. The purpose of this configuration section is to ensure that the client has signed something meaningful (part of the SOAP message) instead of some arbitrary data that would pass a blind signature validation.

This prevents clients from simply pasting technically correct, but unrelated signatures into messages in the hope that they pass any blind signature verification. For example, the user may be able to generate a valid XML Signature over any arbitrary XML document. Then by including the signature and XML portion into a malicious SOAP message, the signature passes a blind signature validation, and the harmful XML is allowed to reach the Web service.

The What To Sign section ensures that clients must sign a part of the SOAP message, and therefore prevents them from pasting arbitrary XML Signatures into the message. This section enables you to use any combination of Node Locations, XPath Expressions, XPath Predicates, and/or Message Attribute to specify message content that must be signed. This topic describes how to configure each of the corresponding tabs displayed in this section.

ID Configuration

With WSU IDs, an ID attribute is inserted into the root element of the nodeset that is to be signed. The XML Signature then references this ID to indicate to verifiers of the signature the nodes that were signed. The use of WSU IDs is the default option because they are WS-I compliant.

Alternatively, a generic ID attribute (that is not bound to the WSU namespace) can be used to dereference the data. The ID attribute is inserted into the top-level element of the nodeset to be signed. The generated XML Signature can then reference this ID to indicate what nodes were signed.

You can also use AssertionID attributes when signing SAML assertions. The following options provide more details and examples of the different styles of IDs that are available.

Use WSU IDs:

Select this option to reference the signed data using a wsu:Id attribute. In this case, a wsu:Id attribute is inserted into the root node of the nodeset that is signed. This id is then referenced in the generated XML Signature as an indication of what nodes were signed. The following example shows the correlation:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="...">
  <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="...">
    <dsig:Signature xmlns:dsig="..." Id="Id-00000112e2c98df8-0000000000000004">
        <dsig:Reference URI="#Id-00000112e2c98df8-0000000000000003">
      <dsig:SignatureValue>KG4N .... /9dw==</dsig:SignatureValue>
      <dsig:KeyInfo Id="Id-00000112e2c98df8-0000000000000005">
            MIID ... ZiBQ==
   <s:Body xmlns:wsu="..." wsu:Id="Id-00000112e2c98df8-0000000000000003">
  <vs:getProductInfo xmlns:vs="http://ww.oracle.com">
   <vs:Name>API Gateway</vs:Name>

In the above example, a wsu:Id attribute has been inserted into the <s:Body> element. This wsu:Id attribute is then referenced by the URI attribute of the <dsig:Reference> element in the actual Signature.

When the Signature is being verified, the value of the URI attribute can be used to locate the nodes that have been signed.

Use IDs:

Select this option to use generic IDs (that are not bound to the WSU namespace) to dereference the signed data. Under this schema, the URI attribute of the <Reference> points at an ID attribute, which is inserted into the top-level node of the nodeset that is signed. Take a look at the following example, noting how the ID specified in the Signature matches the ID attribute that has been inserted into the <Body> element, indicating that the Signature applies to the entire contents of the SOAP Body.

lt;soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <dsig:Signature xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#" 
        <dsig:Reference URI="#Id-0000011a101b167c-0000000000000012">
      <dsig:KeyInfo Id="Id-0000011a101b167c-0000000000000014">
 <soap:Body Id="Id-0000011a101b167c-0000000000000012">
  <product version="">
    <name>API Gateway</name>
    <description>SOA Security and Management</description>

Use SAML IDs for SAML Elements:

This ID option is specifically intended for use where a SAML assertion is to be signed. When this option is selected, an AssertionID attribute is inserted into a SAML 1.1 assertion, or a more generic ID attribute is used for a SAML 2.0 assertion.

Node Locations

Node Locations are perhaps the simplest way to configure the message content that must be signed. The table on this screen is pre-populated with a number of common SOAP security headers, including the SOAP Body, WS-Security block, SAML assertion, WS-Security UsernameToken and Timestamp, and the WS-Addressing headers. For each of these headers, there are several namespace options available. For example, you can sign both a SOAP 1.1 and/or a SOAP 1.2 block by distinguishing between their namespaces.

On the Node Locations tab, you can select one or more nodesets to sign from the default list. You can also add more default nodesets by clicking the Add button. Enter the Element Name, Namespace, and Index of the nodeset in the fields provided. The Index field is used to distinguish between two elements of the same name that occur in the same message.

XPath Configuration

You can use an XPath expression to identify the nodeset (the series of elements) that must be signed. To specify that nodeset, select an existing XPath expression from the table, which contains several XPath expressions that can be used to locate nodesets representing common SOAP security headers, including SAML assertions. Alternatively, you can add a new XPath expression using the Add button. XPath expressions can also be edited and removed with the Edit and Remove buttons.

An example of a SOAP message is provided below. The following XPath expression indicates that all the contents of the SOAP body, including the Body element itself, should be signed:


You must also supply the namespace mapping for the soap prefix, for example:

Prefix URI
soap http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <product xmlns="http://www.oracle.com">
      <name>SOA Product</name>
      <description>Web services Security</description>

XPath Predicates

Select this option if you wish to use an XPath transform to reference the signed content. You must select an XPath Predicate from the table to do this. The table is pre-populated with several XPath predicates that can be used to identify common security headers that occur in SOAP messages, including SAML assertions.

To illustrate the use of XPath predicates, the following example shows how the SOAP message is signed when the default Sign SOAP Body predicate is selected:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <vs:getProductInfo xmlns:vs="http://www.oracle.com">
   <vs:Name>API Gateway</vs:Name>

The default XPath expression (Sign SOAP Body) identifies the contents of the SOAP Body element, including the Body element itself. The following is the XML Signature produced when this XPath predicate is used:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
  <dsig:Signature id="Sample" xmlns:dsig="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#">
    <dsig:Reference URI="">
       <dsig:XPath xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <dsig:Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n"/>
  <vs:getProductInfo xmlns:vs="http://ww.oracle.com">
   <vs:Name>API Gateway</vs:Name>

This XML Signature includes an extra Transform element, which has a child XPath element. This element specifies the XPath predicate that validating applications must use to identify the signed content.

Message Attribute

Finally, you can use the contents of a message attribute to determine what must be signed in the message. For example, you can configure a Locate XML Nodes filter to extract certain content from the message and store it in a particular message attribute. You can then specify this message attribute on the Message Attribute tab.

To do this, select the Extract nodes from message attribute checkbox, and enter the name of the attribute that contains the nodes in the field provided.