Configuring client credentials


Client credentials enable you to globally configure client authentication settings for the following authentication options:

  • API keys as a client

  • HTTP basic

  • Kerberos

  • OAuth 2.0 as a client

[Note] Note
For more information on configuring OAuth 2.0 client credentials, see the API Gateway OAuth Guide.

You can configure settings for client credentials under the External Connections node in the Policy Studio tree, which you can then specify at the filter level (for example, in the Connection and Connect To URL filters).

Configuring API key client credential profiles

API key client credential profiles enable you to globally configure authentication settings for API keys as a client. API keys are supplied by client users and applications calling REST APIs to allow the API service provider to track and control how the APIs are used (for example, to meter access and prevent abuse or malicious attack).

To configure API key client credential profiles, you must first configure a provider. The following Amazon Web Services provider configurations are included in an out-of-the-box installation of API Gateway:

  • Amazon AWS V2 Signing

  • Amazon AWS V4 Signing

Adding API keys

To add an API key for an existing API key provider, click an API key client credential node (for example, Amazon AWS V2 Signing), and click the Add button on the API Key Credential Profiles tab of the API Key Credential Profile window. Complete the following fields on the Add API Key dialog:


Enter a suitable name for this API key.


Enter an identifier for this API key. This is the Amazon client ID associated with your Amazon account.

API Key Secret:

Enter a secret for this API key. This is the Amazon secret associated with your Amazon account.

[Tip] Tip
To sort the list view of client credential profiles, click the column heading.

After you have configured your API key client credentials globally, you can select the client credential profile to use for authentication on the Authentication tab of your filter (for example, in the Connection and Connect To URL filters). For more information, see the Connection and Connect to URL topics.

Adding API key providers

To configure a new API key provider, right-click API Keys, and select Add API Key Client Credential. Complete the following fields on the API Key Service Provider Configuration dialog:


Enter a suitable name for this API key service provider configuration.

Sign the request using:

Select an option to specify how the request is signed. The options are:

  • Amazon API Key Signing V2

  • Amazon API Key Signing V4

  • No Signing

Put the API key in:

Select an option to specify where to put the API key in the request and enter a name in the named field. The options are:

  • Header – The parameter is added to the header of the request.

  • Query String/Form Body – If the incoming request is a GET request, the parameter is added to the query string. If the incoming request is a POST request, the parameter is added to the content body.

For example, to put the API key in the header of the request in a field named AWSKeyId, choose Header and enter AWSKeyId.

[Tip] Tip
To change the configuration of an existing API key service provider, click the API key client credential node, and edit the settings on the API Key Configuration tab of the API Key Credential Profile window.

Configuring HTTP Basic/Digest client credential profiles

A client can authenticate to the API service provider with a user name and password combination using HTTP basic authentication or HTTP digest authentication.

To add a HTTP Basic/Digest client credential profile, click the HTTP Basic node, and click the Add button on the HTTP Basic/Digest Client Credentials window. Complete the following fields on the Add HTTP Authentication Profile dialog:

Profile Name:

Enter a suitable name for this HTTP authentication profile.

Choose Authentication Type:

Select the Basic or Digest radio button to specify the type of HTTP authentication to use, and enter a user name and password in the Username and Password fields.

Automatically send credentials:

Select this option to automatically send credentials in the request. This is the equivalent of Send token with first request in Kerberos. This option is selected by default.

After you have configured your HTTP client credentials globally, you can select the client credential profile to use for authentication on the Authentication tab of your filter (for example, in the Connection and Connect To URL filters). For more information, see the Connection and Connect to URL topics.

Configuring Kerberos client credential profiles

A client can authenticate to a Kerberos service by sending a Kerberos service ticket in the HTTP request to that service.

[Note] Note
You can also configure the API Gateway to authenticate to a Kerberos service by including the relevant Kerberos tokens inside the XML message. For more details, see the Kerberos Client Authentication topic.

To add a Kerberos client credential profile, click the Kerberos node, and click the Add button on the Kerberos Client Credentials window. Complete the following fields on the Add Kerberos Profile dialog:

Profile Name:

Enter a suitable name for this Kerberos authentication profile.

Kerberos Client:

Click the browse button to select a Kerberos client. The selected Kerberos client has two roles. First, it must obtain a Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT). Second, it uses this TGT to obtain a service ticket for the Kerberos Service Principal selected below.

You can configure Kerberos clients globally under the External Connections node in the Policy Studio tree. These can then be selected in the Kerberos Client field. For more details on configuring Kerberos clients, see the Kerberos Clients topic.

Kerberos Service Principal:

Click the browse button to select a Kerberos service principal. The Kerberos client must obtain a ticket from the Kerberos Ticket Granting Server (TGS) for the selected Kerberos service principal. The service principal can be used to uniquely identify the service in the Kerberos realm. The TGS grants a ticket for the selected principal, which the client can then send to the Kerberos service. The principal in the ticket must match the Kerberos service's principal for the client to be successfully authenticated.

You can also configure Kerberos principals globally under the External Connections node in the Policy Studio tree. For more details on configuring Kerberos principals, see the Kerberos Principals topic.

Send token with first request:

In some cases, the client might not authenticate (send the Authorization HTTP header) to the Kerberos service on its first request. The Kerberos service should then respond with an HTTP 401 response containing a WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate HTTP header. This header value instructs the client to authenticate to the server by sending up the Authorization header. The client then sends up a second request, this time with the Authorization header, which contains the relevant Kerberos token. Select this option to always send the Authorization HTTP header that contains the Kerberos service ticket on the first request to the Kerberos service. This option is selected by default.

Send body only after establish context:

Select this option to configure the Kerberos client to only send the message body after the context has been fully established (the client has mutually authenticated with the service). This option is not selected by default.

Pass when service returns 200 even if context not established:

In rare cases, a Kerberos service might return a 200 OK response to a Kerberos client's initial request even though the security context has not yet been fully established. This 200 OK response might not contain the WWW-authenticate HTTP header. Select this option to send the request to the Kerberos service even if the context has not been established. It is the responsibility of the Kerberos service to decide whether to process the request depending on the status of the security context. This option is not selected by default.

After you have configured your Kerberos client credentials globally, you can select the client credential profile to use for authentication on the Authentication tab of your filter (for example, in the Connection and Connect To URL filters). For more information, see the Connection and Connect to URL topics.