Cache Attribute


The Cache Attribute filter allows you to configure what part of the message you want to cache. Typically, response messages are cached and so this filter is usually configured after the routing filters in a policy. In this case, the content.body attribute stores the response message body from the Web service and so this message attribute should be selected in the Attribute Name to Store field.

For more information on how to configure this filter in a caching policy, see the topic on Global caches.



Enter a name for this filter here.

Select Cache to Use:

Click the button on the right, and select the cache to store the attribute value. The list of currently configured caches is displayed in the tree. To add a cache, right-click the Caches tree node, and select Add Local Cache or Add Distributed Cache. Alternatively, you can configure caches under the Libraries node in the Policy Studio tree. For more details, see the topic on Global caches.

Attribute Key:

The value of the message attribute entered here acts as the key into the cache. In the context of a caching policy, it must be the same as the attribute specified in the Attribute containing key field on the Is Cached? filter.

Attribute Name to Store:

The value of the API Gateway message attribute entered here will be cached in the cache specified in the Cache to use field above.