Get Roles from Oracle Entitlements Server 10g


This filter enables you to get the set of roles that are assigned to an identity for a specific resource (for example, Web service) and a specific action (for example, HTTP POST) from Oracle Entitlements Server (OES) 10g.


Configure the following general field:


Enter an appropriate descriptive name for this filter.


Configure the following fields on the Settings tab:


Enter the URL of the target resource (for example, Web service). Alternatively, if this policy is reused for multiple services, enter a URL using message attribute selectors, which are expanded at runtime to the value of the specified attribute. For example:


Resource Naming Authority:

Enter apigatewayResource to match the Naming Authority Definition loaded in the OES 10g settings. For more details, see Oracle Security Service Module settings (10g).


Enter the HTTP verb (for example, POST, GET, DELETE, and so on). Alternatively, if this policy is reused for multiple services, enter a message attribute selector, which is expanded at runtime to the value of the specified attribute (for example, ${http.request.verb}). For more details on selectors, see Selecting configuration values at runtime.

Action Naming Authority:

Enter apigatewayAction to match the Naming Authority Definition loaded in the OES 10g settings. For more details, see Oracle Security Service Module settings (10g).

Application Context

Configure the following field on the Application Context tab:

Application's Current Context:

Click Add to specify optional Application Contexts as name-value pairs. Enter a Name and Value in the Properties dialog. Repeat to specify multiple properties.