You can use the SMIME Verify filter to check the integrity of a Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (SMIME) message. This filter enables you to verify the Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #7 signature over the message.
You can select the certificates that contain the public keys that you wish to use to verify the signature. Alternatively, you can specify a message attribute that contains the certificate with the public key that you wish to use.
Complete the following fields to configure this filter:
Enter an appropriate name for the filter.
Certificates from the following list:
Select the certificates that contain the public keys that you wish to use to verify the signature. This is the default option.
Certificate in attribute:
Alternatively, enter the message attribute that specifies the certificate that
contains the public key that you wish to use to verify the signature. Defaults to
Remove Outer Envelope if Verification is Successful:
Select this option if you want to remove the PKCS#7 signature and all its associated data from the message if it verifies successfully.