SMIME Verify


You can use the SMIME Verify filter to check the integrity of a Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (SMIME) message. This filter enables you to verify the Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #7 signature over the message.

You can select the certificates that contain the public keys that you wish to use to verify the signature. Alternatively, you can specify a message attribute that contains the certificate with the public key that you wish to use.


Complete the following fields to configure this filter:


Enter an appropriate name for the filter.

Certificates from the following list:

Select the certificates that contain the public keys that you wish to use to verify the signature. This is the default option.

Certificate in attribute:

Alternatively, enter the message attribute that specifies the certificate that contains the public key that you wish to use to verify the signature. Defaults to ${certificate}.

Remove Outer Envelope if Verification is Successful:

Select this option if you want to remove the PKCS#7 signature and all its associated data from the message if it verifies successfully.