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Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Documentation Supplement for Firmware Version 2.2

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Updated: September 2016

Replace a GUID Manually (Toolbox CLI)

You can use this procedure when replacing an HCA within a server, or exchanging a server and requiring the same fabric configuration as previously.

  1. Start the Toolbox CLI.

    See Start the Toolbox CLI.

  2. In the Toolbox CLI, identify the GUID of the HCA (or server) to be replaced.
    [toolbox-cli] show partition all ports
    PKEY	: 0001
    FLAGS	: ipoib
    GUID             MEMBER     
    ------------     ------     
    ALL_SWITCHES     full       
    NAME	: nm2-box1
    PKEY	: 3342
    FLAGS	: ipoib, defmember=full
    GUID                   MEMBER     
    ------------------     ------     
    0x0002c9030008e137     full       
    0x00212800013ecea0     both       
    NAME	: Default
    PKEY	: 7fff
    FLAGS	: ipoib
    GUID                   MEMBER      
    ------------------     -------     
    ALL_CAS                full        
    ALL_SWITCHES           full        
    0x0010e00001631b01     limited     
  3. In the output of the command, find the port GUID of the HCA to be replaced, and record it.
  4. Record the port GUID of the replacement HCA.
  5. Replace the HCA.

    Follow the instructions for your HCA.

  6. Replace the GUID in the fabric configuration..
    [toolbox-cli] manage partition replace-guid current=old_GUID new=new_GUID


    • old_GUID is the previous HCA port GUID.

    • new_GUID is the new HCA port GUID.

    For example, to replace GUID 0x00212800013ecea0 with 0x111111111111111111, type:

    [toolbox-cli] manage partition replace-port-guid current=0x00212800013ecea0 new=0x111111111111111111
  7. Verify that the replacement HCA GUID is configured into the fabric.
    [toolbox-cli] show partition all ports
    PKEY	: 0001
    FLAGS	: ipoib
    GUID             MEMBER     
    ------------     ------     
    ALL_SWITCHES     full       
    NAME	: nm2-box1
    PKEY	: 3342
    FLAGS	: ipoib, defmember=full
    GUID                     MEMBER     
    --------------------     ------     
    0x0002c9030008e137       full       
    0x111111111111111111     both       
    NAME	: Default
    PKEY	: 7fff
    FLAGS	: ipoib
    GUID                   MEMBER      
    ------------------     -------     
    ALL_CAS                full        
    ALL_SWITCHES           full        
    0x0010e00001631b01     limited     

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