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Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch Documentation Supplement for Firmware Version 2.2

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Updated: September 2016

Display Switch Information (Toolbox CLI)

  • In the Toolbox CLI, display switch information.
    [toolbox-cli] show switches
    GUID                   NODE DESCRIPTION                                   VERSION     TOOLBOX EXISTS     TOOLBOX STATE
    ------------------     ----------------------------------------------     -------     --------------     -------------
    0x002128b81684c0a0     SUN IB QDR GW switch nsn156-81       2.1.7-2     yes                disabled
    0x0010e0801bfca0a0     SUN DCS 36P QDR nsn156-47            --          --                 --
    0x002128ebca1ec0a0     SUN IB QDR GW switch nsn156-102     2.1.6-2     yes                enabled

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