Dialog Box Helps (CSH)

In This Section

Activity Box Template tab - Activity Network Options dialog box

Activity Code Definitions - EPS dialog box

Activity Code Definitions - Global dialog box

Activity Code Definitions - Project dialog box

Activity Codes dialog box

Activity Network Layout tab - Activity Network Options dialog box

Activity Network Options dialog box

Activity Step Templates dialog box

Activity tab - Modify Template dialog box

Activity tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Add Code Value dialog box

Add New Baseline dialog box

Add Projects dialog box

Add Sort dialog box

Add user dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Advanced tab - Import Options dialog box

Advanced tab - Schedule Options dialog box

Appearance tab - Currencies dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Application tab - User Preferences dialog box

Apply Actuals dialog box

Assign Access to OBS dialog box

Assign Activities dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Assign Activity Codes dialog box

Assign Activity Step Templates dialog box

Assign Assignment Codes dialog box

Assign Baselines dialog box

Assign Financial Period Calendars dialog box

Assign Funding Sources dialog box

Assign Notebook Topic dialog box

Assign Predecessors dialog box

Assign Project Codes dialog box

Assign Recipients dialog box

Assign Reports dialog box

Assign Resource Codes and Assign Role Codes dialog boxes

Assign Resources by Role dialog box

Assign Resources dialog box

Assign Risks dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Assign Role dialog box

Assign Roles dialog box - for selected resource

Assign Roles dialog box - for selected resource or activity

Assign Successors dialog box

Assign User dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Assign WBS or Activities dialog box

Assign Work Products & Documents dialog box

Assignment Code Definitions dialog box

Assignment Codes dialog box

Assistance tab - User Preferences dialog box

Assumptions and Notes tab - Estimation History dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Attribute Details dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Attributes tab - WBS Details dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Bar Chart dialog box

Bar Chart Options dialog box

Bar Labels tab - Bars dialog box

Bar Settings tab - Bars dialog box

Bar Style tab - Bars dialog box

Bars dialog box

Baseline Duplicates dialog box

Baseline Types tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Baselines to Export dialog box

Baselines to Import dialog box

Basic tab - Import Options dialog box

Batch Reports dialog box

Calculations tab - User Preferences dialog box

Calendar dialog box

Calendar Used By dialog box

Calendar Weekly Hours dialog box

Calendars dialog box

Calendars in Use dialog box

Calendars tab - Import Options dialog box

Cell tab - Properties dialog box

Change Password dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Chart Box Template dialog box

Chart Font & Colors dialog box

Codes tab - Import Options dialog box

Codes tab - Roles dialog box

Collapse To dialog box

Collapsed Bars tab - Bar Chart Options dialog box

Columns dialog box

Columns tab - Modify Template dialog box for use with Microsoft Excel files

Configure Connection dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Consent Notice tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Contact tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Copy Activity Options dialog box

Copy Baselines dialog box

Copy Project Options dialog box

Copy Resource Options dialog box

Copy WBS Options dialog box

Cost Account in Use dialog box

Cost Accounts dialog box

Cost tab - Attribute Details dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Cost/Size tab - WBS Details dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Currencies dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Currency tab - User Preferences dialog box

Curtain Attachment dialog box

Custom Field Mappings tab - Modify Template dialog box

Data Date tab - Bar Chart Options dialog box

Data Limits tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Data tab - External Applications dialog box

Data tab - Project/Activity Usage Profile Options dialog box

Data tab - Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box

Data tab - Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box - for regular histograms

Dates and Duration tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Dates tab - User Preferences dialog box

Define Resource Shifts dialog box

Delete Resource dialog box

Description tab - Attribute Details dialog box

Detail tab - Estimation History dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Details dialog box

Document Categories tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Document Status tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Duplicates dialog box

Earned Value tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Edit Cell Borders dialog box

Edit Column dialog box

Edit Filter dialog box

Edit Font & Color dialog box

Edit Font Styles dialog box

Edit HTML Link dialog box

Edit Relationship dialog box

Edit Report Timescale dialog box

Edit Sort dialog box

email tab - User Preferences dialog box

Enterprise Project Structure dialog box

Exception Site List tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Expense Categories tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Expense Columns dialog box

Expenses tab - Attribute Details dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Expenses tab - WBS Details dialog box

External Applications dialog box

Fields dialog box

Filter By dialog box

Filter dialog box

Filter tab - Modify Template dialog box for use with Microsoft Excel files

Filters dialog box

Financial Periods of Calendar dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Footer tab - Page Setup dialog box

Function Point Estimation - Data and Transactions dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Function Point Estimation - System Characteristics dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Function Point Estimation dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Funding Source in Use dialog box

Funding Sources dialog box

General tab - Admin Preference dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

General tab - Bar Chart Options dialog box

General tab - Currencies dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

General tab - Estimation History dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

General tab - External Applications dialog box

General tab - Modify Template dialog box

General tab - Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box

General tab - Project Details dialog box (from Tracking window)

General tab - Project Portfolios dialog box

General tab - Publish Project Web Site dialog box

General tab - Roles dialog box

General tab - Schedule Options dialog box

General tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

General tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Global Access tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Global Change dialog box

Global tab - Import Options dialog box

Global tab - Modify Template dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Graph tab - Project/Activity Usage Profile Options dialog box

Graph tab - Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box

Graph tab - Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box - for stacked histogram

Graphics tab - Publish Project Web Site dialog box

Group and Sort dialog box

Header tab - Page Setup dialog box

Hours per Time Period dialog box

How - Calculations tab - User Preferences dialog box

ID Lengths tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Image tab - Properties dialog box

Images Manager dialog box

Import Domain Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Import Layout As dialog box

Import Options dialog box

Import Report dialog box

Industry tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Issue History dialog box

Issue Navigator dialog box

Job Details tab - Job Services dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Job Options tab - Job Services dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Job Services dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Job Status dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Level Resources dialog box

Line tab - Properties dialog box

Login tab - External Applications dialog box

Login to Primavera P6 Professional dialog box

Main Form tab - Web Site Display Properties dialog box

Maintain Baselines dialog box

Margins tab - Page Setup dialog box

Merge or Delete WBS Element(s) dialog box

Merge selected resource with its parent dialog box

Miscellaneous tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Modify Global Change dialog box

Modify Import Configuration dialog box

Modify Resource Curves dialog box

Modify Template dialog box

Modify Template dialog box for use with Excel files

Module Access tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Monitor Thresholds dialog box

More information about removed fields

New Tracking Layout dialog box

Notebook tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Notebook tab - WBS Details dialog box

Notebooks tab - Modify Template dialog box

Notes tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Notify Issue dialog box

Open Layout dialog box

Open Project dialog box

Options tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Options tab - Page Setup dialog box

Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box

Page Setup dialog box

Page tab - Page Setup dialog box

Password tab - User Preferences dialog box

Personal Information tab - User Preferences dialog box

Predecessor Columns dialog box

Preview Changes to Project dialog box

Print Preview dialog box

Progress Line tab - Bar Chart Options dialog box

Proj Codes tab - Project Details dialog box (from Tracking window)

Project Access tab - Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Project Code Definitions dialog box

Project Codes dialog box

Project Details dialog box (from Tracking window)

Project Portfolios dialog box

Project tab - Import Options dialog box

Project tab - Modify Template dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Project tab of the UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Project Tailoring Rationale dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Project Users dialog box

Project/Activity Usage Profile Options dialog box

Projects tab - Project Portfolios dialog box

Properties dialog box

Publish Project Web Site dialog box

Rate Types tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Recalculate Assignment Costs dialog box

Renumber Activity IDs dialog box

Renumber Activity IDs dialog box

Replace selected resources with dialog box

Replace selected role(s) with dialog box

Report Groups dialog box

Report Preferences dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Report tab - Properties dialog box

Reports tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Reports tab - Publish Project Web Site dialog box

Resource Analysis tab - User Preferences dialog box

Resource Assignment Columns dialog box

Resource Code Definitions and Role Code Definitions dialog boxes

Resource Codes or Role Codes dialog box

Resource Curves dialog box

Resource Shifts dialog box

Resource tab - Modify Template dialog box

Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box

Resource Usage/Role Profile Options dialog box - for stacked histogram

Resources tab - Attribute Details dialog box

Resources tab - Import Options dialog box

Resources tab - Roles dialog box

Resources tab - WBS Details dialog box

Responsibility tab - Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Risk Categories tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Role in Use dialog box

Roles dialog box

Roles tab - Attribute Details dialog box

Roles tab - WBS Details dialog box

Row tab - Properties dialog box

Run Batch dialog box

Run Report dialog box

Run Report dialog box - for selected report batch

Save Layout As dialog box

Save Layout dialog box

Schedule dialog box

Schedule Options dialog box

Security Profiles dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Select a Portfolio dialog box

Select Activities by Attribute dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Select Activities by WBS dialog box

Select Activity Calendar dialog box

Select Activity Code Value dialog box

Select Activity dialog box

Select Activity Layouts to Publish dialog box

Select Batch dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Select Calendar To Copy From dialog box

Select CBS dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Select Code dialog box

Select Cost Account dialog box

Select Currency dialog box

Select Curve dialog box

Select Default Cost Account dialog box

Select Default Project Calendar dialog box

Select Document Category dialog box

Select EPS dialog box

Select EPS to add into dialog box

Select Expense Category dialog box

Select Financial Period dialog box

Select Financial Period Timescale Dialog Box (P6 Professional Only)

Select Folder dialog box

Select Identified By dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Select Image dialog box

Select Layouts to Publish dialog box

Select Owner dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Select Primary Resource dialog box

Select Project Category Value dialog box

Select Project Code dialog box

Select Project dialog box

Select Recipient dialog box

Select Replacement Calendar dialog box

Select Replacement Cost Account dialog box

Select Replacement Funding Source dialog box

Select Replacement Role dialog box

Select Report Group dialog box

Select Reports dialog box

Select Resource Access dialog box

Select Resource Calendar dialog box

Select Resource Code and Select Role Code dialog boxes

Select Resource Curve To Copy From dialog box

Select Resource dialog box

Select Resources dialog box

Select Responsible Manager dialog box

Select Risk Category dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Select Risk Owner dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Select Shift dialog box

Select Startup Filters

Select Threshold Parameter dialog box

Select Timesheet Approval Manager dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Select Tracking Layout dialog box

Select Tracking Layouts to Publish dialog box

Select Unifier Data Mapping dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Select Unifier Project dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Select Unifier Schedule Sheet dialog box (P6 EPPM Only)

Select Unit of Measure dialog box

Select User dialog box

Select View Currency dialog box

Select WBS Category Value dialog box

Select WBS dialog box

Select WBS to Add into dialog box

Set Default Project dialog box

Sight Lines tab - Bar Chart Options dialog box

Sort dialog box

Sort tab - Modify Template dialog box for use with Microsoft Excel files

Source tab - Properties dialog box

Splash tab - Web Site Display Properties dialog box

Spreadsheet Options dialog box

Startup Filters tab - User Preferences dialog box

Status of User Acceptance tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Status tab - Project Details dialog box (from Tracking window)

Store Period Performance dialog box

Successor Columns dialog box

Summary tab - Project Details dialog box (from Tracking window)

Table Font and Row dialog box

Tailor Attributes dialog box

Text Attachment dialog box

Time Periods tab - Admin Preferences dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Time Unit tab - User Preferences dialog box

Timescale dialog box

Top Down Estimation dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Topics tab - Publish Project Web Site dialog box

Trace Logic Options dialog box

UDFs tab - Import Options dialog box

UN/CEFACT Export Template dialog box

Units and Prices tab - Roles dialog box

Units of Measure tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Update Baseline dialog box

Update Baseline Options dialog box

Update Progress dialog box

User Access tab - Project Portfolios dialog box

User Defined Fields dialog box

User Defined Fields dialog box

User Preferences dialog box

Users dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

Users tab - Organizational Breakdown Structure dialog box

WBS Category tab - Admin Categories dialog box (P6 Professional Only)

WBS Details dialog box

WBS Milestone tab - WBS Details dialog box

WBS tab - Modify Template dialog box

Web Site Display Properties dialog box

Welcome dialog box

Work Product and Document Details dialog box

WPs & Docs tab - Attribute Details dialog box

WPs & Docs tab - WBS Details dialog box

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Last Published Friday, October 1, 2021