Classic Campaign – General Campaign Characteristics
Important: Effective June 2024, Responsys will not support Classic Campaign functionality. After the effective date, Campaign Designer will be the only Responsys tool for creating and sending targeted and personalized campaigns. Learn more about the Campaign Designer.
This is the first step of creating a campaign. In this step, you provide general characteristics, such a campaign name and folder.
Name: the unique name for the campaign
This field is required.
The campaign cannot have the same name as an existing campaign or form in any folder. The name must be no longer than 150 characters and can include only the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ [ ] { }
Folder: the folder for the campaign
The default option, auto-assign, places the campaign into the ~System folder.
Tip: Typically, you should place the campaign into the folder that contains the campaign messages.
Organization Assignment: the organizational units can access the campaign. For more information, see Organizational Access and Targeting by Organization - Overview.
Description: any description or notes
The overview appears on the Campaign Dashboard.
Purpose: select Promotional or Transactional from the drop down list
Transactional campaigns, which are typically used for purchase confirmations and similar communications, have no automatic suppression, no footers, and no automatic opt-out mechanism.
Note: To use the campaign for confirmed opt-in, select Transactional.
Important: You cannot change the purpose of a campaign after it is launched.
Categorization: select values for Marketing Strategy and Marketing Program
The categorization values can be used for downstream reporting.
The Categorization values are defined by the Account Administrator from the Account management page.
External Campaign Code: provide the campaign external code
This code is used to associate an Oracle Responsys campaign with a campaign in another system, such as a web analytics or CRM system.
Recipient Locale: the default recipient locale for the account
You cannot change the recipient locale for a campaign. The recipient locale is set by the Account Administrator from the Account management page.
The message footer and various response pages (such as opt-out confirmation messages) will use the recipient locale, and any text you supply for the campaign message will use the same character set as the recipient locale.
Send message with UTF-8 encoding: select this checkbox to correctly display campaigns whose messages might contain characters in more than one character set
For example, a campaign for the Russian locale can contain text in the windows-1251 character set as well as the koi8-r character set. UTF-8 encoding ensures that all character sets in the campaign are displayed correctly.
Next step
- To continue to the next step, selecting recipients, click Save & Next.
- Campaign – Selecting Recipients
- Campaign – Selecting Proof and Seed Lists
- Campaign – Selecting Additional Data Sources
- Campaign – Setting Up Message Content
- Campaign – Selecting Dynamic Content
- Campaign – Enabling External Tracking
- Campaign – Setting Up Link Tracking
- Campaign – Selecting Attachments
- Campaign – Setting Defaults and Variables
- Campaign – Reviewing the Campaign Dashboard
- Campaign – Previewing Documents and Forms
- Campaign – Testing Links
- Campaign – Running Deliverability Tests
- Campaign – Verifying Campaign Options
- Campaign – Sending a Proof Test
- Campaign – Launching a Campaign
- Campaign Dashboard
- Campaign Wizard Overview