Creating ASN through Interfaces (UI)

You can also create ASNs through an Oracle WMS Cloud Excel template.

Step 1: Preparing the Input Interface file:

To correctly use the Oracle WMS Cloud interface, follow the rules below:
  • The filename must start with the letters “ISS” (for hierarchical files).
  • Populate the “required” columns specified in the interface specification document.
  • Populate [H1] for every distinct ASN number and [H2] for its details (see figure below).
  • Populate the correct sequence in the ‘seq_nbr’ field (i.e. no duplicate values).Creating multiple ASNs in the same ISSR file

    The figure above is an example of a file that will create two different ASNs. Users can create multiple ASNs within the same ISS file by using the “headings” column to differentiate one ASN record from another. A ‘[H1]’ value denotes a new ASN Header record, while a ‘[H2]’ value denotes a new ASN Detail record.

Step 2: Uploading the Interface file into Oracle WMS Cloud

  1. Go to the “Input Interface” screen.
  2. Use the drop-down to select the appropriate interface to process:
  3. Click on “Upload Files” and navigate to the file you want to upload.
  4. When the screen displays the file, click “Run Interface”.
  5. The system will return a message dialog notifying that the file has been successfully processed.