Associating an Algorithm with a Division


To associate an algorithm with a division, you should have:

  • Required algorithms defined in the application


To associate an algorithm with a division:

  1. Search for the division to which you want to associate the algorithm.
    The Division screen appears.
  2. Click the Algorithms tab.

    The Algorithms tab appears. It contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description
    Division Indicates the division.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Division field. On clicking the Search icon, the Division Search window appears where you can search for a division.

    In addition, it contains the following fields in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Division Algorithm Entity Used to indicate the algorithm entity to which you want to attach the algorithm. The valid values are:
    • ASL Accumulation Post-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some post-processing activities on the aggregate stop-loss accumulation amount. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-ACASL batch.

      Note: No algorithm types for this algorithm entity are shipped with the product. The implementation team can create custom algorithm type for this algorithm entity based on the customer requirements.
    • ASL Accumulation Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some pre-processing activities on the aggregate stop-loss accumulation records. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-ACASL batch.

      Note: No algorithm types for this algorithm entity are shipped with the product. The implementation team can create custom algorithm type for this algorithm entity based on the customer requirements.
    • Account - Post Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered when you create or edit an account.

      Note: The C1-CLSACCT and C1-UACM-IC algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • Accrual - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered to create the accruals for the account.

    • Contract Derivation - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered to derive active contract for the account. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNVP batch. Note that this algorithm is invoked only when the account has multiple active contracts of the contract type which is associated with the price item.

      Note: The SA_​DERV_​POPC algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you are associating an algorithm with the division.
    • Currency Conversion For Adjustments - Used to attach a date or date and time based currency conversion algorithm which must be triggered while creating adjustments and FT GL entries for adjustments.
      Note: The C1_​CURALGAD and C1_​EXCRTAD algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • Currency Conversion For Bill Segments - Used to attach a date or date and time based currency conversion algorithm which must be triggered while creating bill segments and FT GL entires for bill segments.
      Note: The C1_​CURALGBS and C1_​EXCRTBS algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • Currency Conversion For Payments - Used to attach a date or date and time based currency conversion algorithm which must be triggered while creating payments, payment tenders, and FT GL entries for payments.
      Note: The C1_​CURALGPY and C1_​EXCRTPY algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • GL Account Validation - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered during dynamic GL account validation.

      Note: The C1-GLVAL and C1-GLVAL-COB algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • GL Assign -

    • Generate Conditional GL Entries -

    • Price Assignment Eligibility - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered to determine whether the post-processing pricing is eligible for the account. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-BLPPR and POSTPROC batches.

      This algorithm is invoked while executing these batches when an algorithm created using the C1-GENBSICPA algorithm type is attached to the Post-Processing (Billing) algorithm spot of the respective contract type.

      The C1-ELIGPROR algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.

    • Price Assignment Search - Used to attach an algorithm which indicates the order in which the price item pricing must be determined while billing. It also indicates the order in which the price item pricing must be listed in the Pricing (Account) and Pricing (Person) screens.

      Note: The C1_​PRASN_​PP algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • Pricing Fees Calculation Post-Processing -

    • Pricing Fees Calculation Pre-Processing -

    • Pricing Rate Post-Processing -

    • Pricing Rate Pre-Processing -

    • Sequential Bill Number Generation - Used to attach an algorithm which indicates how to sequence alternate bill numbers which are unique within the division.
      Note: The C1_​ALTBLLDIV and C1_​ALTBLDIV1 algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • SSL Accumulation Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some pre-processing activities on the aggregate stop-loss accumulation records. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-ACSSL batch.

      Note: No algorithm types for this algorithm entity are shipped with the product. The implementation team can create custom algorithm type for this algorithm entity based on the customer requirements.
    • TFM - Billable Charge Post-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some post-processing activities on the billable charges which are generated through the transaction aggregation process. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNSQ and C1-TXNCU batches.

      Note: The C1_​BCHG_​POPC algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Cancellation Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some pre-processing activities while canceling the transactions. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXCNC batch.

      Note: The C1_​CNCL_​PRPC algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Currency Conversion - Used to attach a date or date and time based currency conversion algorithm which must be triggered while aggregating transactions.

      Note: The C1_​CURALGTFM and C1_​EXCRTTFM algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Disaggregation Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some pre-processing activities while disaggregating the transactions. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-PDTXN batch.
      Note: The C1_​DSAG_​PRPC algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Disaggregation Request Post-Processing

    • TFM - Price Item Derivation Post-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some post-processing activities on the transaction legs. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNIP batch.
      Note: The C1_​PRDR_​POPC and C1-VALECRTRN algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Rate Post-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some post-processing activities while determining rate for transaction legs. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNEX and C1-TXNSQ batches.
      Note: The C1-ASOEXPOS and C1_​RTCL_​POPC algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Rate Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some pre-processing activities while determining rate for transaction legs. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNEX and C1-TXNSQ batches.
      Note: The C1-RETFLAT and C1_​RTCL_​PRPC algorithm types are shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - Rollback Pre-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some pre-processing activities while rolling back the transactions. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNRB batch.
      Note: The C1_​ROBK_​PRPC algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    • TFM - SSL Accumulation Post-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some post-processing activities on the specific stop-loss accumulation amount. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-ACSSL batch.

      Note: No algorithm types for this algorithm entity are shipped with the product. The implementation team can create custom algorithm type for this algorithm entity based on the customer requirements.
    • TFM - Verify Pricing Post-Processing - Used to attach an algorithm which must be triggered for undertaking some post-processing activities on a summary record in the CI_​TXN_​DTL_​PRITM_​SUMMARY table. This algorithm is invoked when you execute the C1-TXNVP batch.
      Note: The C1-VRPR_​POPC algorithm type is shipped with the product. For more information, see the algorithm type description.
    Sequence Number Used to specify the order in which the algorithms with the same entity should be executed. Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you are associating an algorithm with the division.
    Algorithm Used to specify the algorithm code.
    Note: The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Algorithm field. On clicking the Search icon, the Algorithm Search window appears.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you are associating an algorithm with the division.
    Description Displays the description of the algorithm.
    Note: The description appears automatically when you specify the algorithm code in the Algorithm field.
    Not applicable
  3. Enter the required details in the Algorithms tab.
  4. If you want to associate more than one algorithm with the division, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon and then repeat step 3.
    Note: However, if you want to remove an algorithm from the division, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the algorithm.
  5. Click the Save button in the Page Title area.
    The algorithm is associated with the division.

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