Additional Fields For A Write Off Process / Event Letter

The following table describes additional fields that are suffixed in the letter extract records associated with a write-off event:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
WO_​PROC_​ID A10 CI_​WO_​EVT_​CC / Write Off Event that triggered the letter.
EVT_​SEQ N3 CI_​WO_​EVT_​CC / Write Off Event that triggered the letter.
ACCT_​ID N10 CI_​WO_​PROC / Account whose contracts are being written off.
WO_​CNTL_​CD C20 CI_​WO_​PROC / WO control code of the write off process.
WO_​DEBT_​CL_​CD C4 CI_​WO_​CNTL / Write Off debt class of the contracts being written off.
DESCR C30 CI_​WO_​DEBT_​CL.DESCR / Description of the write off debt class.
CRE_​DTTM DT26 CI_​WO_​PROC / Date/time that the write off process was created.
WO_​BALANCE N13.2 Amount still owed on the contracts linked to the write off process. This is calculated by the same routine that creates an agency referral, (Determine Referral Amount routine (CIPLWRAN)).
CURRENCY_​CD C3 CI_​COLL_​PROC / Currency for the amount.