Additional Fields For An Overdue Process / Event Letter

The following table describes additional fields that are suffixed in the letter extract records associated with an overdue event:
Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
OD_​PROC_​ID A10 CI_​OD_​PROC_​LOG / Overdue process that triggered the letter.
OD_​EVT_​SEQ N3 CI_​OD_​PROC_​LOG / Overdue event that triggered the letter.
ACCT_​ID N10 CI_​OD_​PROC / Account being collected on.
OD_​PROC_​TEMPL_​CD A12 CI_​OD_​PROC / Overdue process template.
DESCR C30 CI_​OD_​PROC_​TEMPL / Description of the overdue process template.
CRE_​DTTM See Note. CI_​OD_​PROC / Date/time that the overdue process was created formatted as <month> DD, YYYY.
Original Unpaid Amt N13.2 Extract Algorithm/ Amount owed on all objects being collected by the overdue process when the overdue process was created.
Unpaid Amt N13.2 Extract Algorithm/ Amount still owed on all objected being collected by the overdue process.
CURRENCY_​CD C3 CI_​OD_​PROC / Currency for the amount.
Info String 1 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 1 being collected
Info String 2 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 2 being collected
Info String 3 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 3 being collected
Info String 4 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 4 being collected
Info String 5 Extract Algorithm/ Info about object 5 being collected