How To Start A One-Time Charge Contract

You create a one-time charge (i.e., billable charge) whenever a customer should be charged for a service that occurs outside the normal course of business.

A billable charge must reference a contract. This contract behaves just like any other contract:

  • Bill segments are created for the contract. Whenever billing is performed for an account with billable charge contracts, the system creates a bill segment for each unbilled billable charges.
  • Payments are distributed to the contract. Payments made by an account are distributed to its billable charge contracts just like any other contract.
  • Overdue debt is monitored. The credit and collections process monitors billable charge contracts for overdue debt and responds accordingly when overdue debt is detected.

Therefore, in order to levy a one-time charge, the customer must have a billable charge contract. If one already exists (because of a previous billable charge), you don't have to create a new contract. Rather, transfer to the Billable Charge page and add a billable charge for the contract. If the customer doesn't already have billable charge contract, create one by performing the following steps:

  • From the Main Menu, select Customer Information and then click Start/Stop. The Start Stop screen appears.
  • Search the account for which you want to create a one-time charge.

  • Enter a Start Date and Start Method of Start a Contract.
  • Indicate the Division/ Contract Type of the billable charge contract and click the Start button.
  • After you click the Start button, the Start Confirmation page will appear. Simply close the confirmation page to save the contract.
  • After the billable charge contract has been created, add a billable charge to it (the easiest way is to use the Contract context menu). Refer to Maintaining Billable Charges for more information.