An Illustration Of A Simple Bill

The following diagram illustrates a simple bill:

The figure illustrates a bill with some bill segments and their corresponding financial transactions.

The following concepts are illustrated above:

A bill is produced for an account A bill is produced for an account. Over time, an account receives many bills.

A bill summarizes financial transactions A bill contains information about the various financial transactions that have taken place since the last bill was produced (i.e., payments, adjustments, and bill corrections). The above illustration shows a bill with financial transactions for new charges, a payment, and an adjustment.

A bill is routed to persons A copy of the bill is sent to every person linked to the account who requires a copy of the bill.

A bill contains messages A bill may contain messages.

A bill typically contains bill segments A bill typically contains one bill segment for every active contract linked to its account.

A bill segment contains calculation details A bill segment contains information showing how the segment was calculated and how it should be printed on the customer's bill.