Bill - Auto Pay

You can use this page to view all or selected auto payments linked to a bill. In addition, you can also perform certain maintenance functions on this page (see the details below).

Open Billing Management, Bill, Auto Pay to view this information.

Bill Info contains a concatenation of important information about the bill (e.g., the bill date, its status, due date, ending balance, etc.).

Bill ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the bill.

The Select All/ Clear All buttons are used to select automatic payments if you plan to stop the auto pay action at the bottom of the page.

Refer to the description of the stop auto pay action below for more information.

Note: 100 auto payments at a time. Clicking Select All selects the first 100 auto payments in the grid. If more than 100 auto payments exist, you must select them in batches.

The grid that follows contains the auto payments for the searched Bill ID. The following information appears in the grid:

  • Select box. See the Stop Autopay action enabled for the selected checkboxes.
  • The Auto Pay ID indicates the automatic payments source through which the automatic payment is made.
  • The Settlement ID indicates the settlement ID through which the automatic payment is settled.
  • The Settlement Account ID indicates the account through which the automatic payment is settled.
  • The Auto Pay Creation Date displays the date when automatic payment was created.
  • The Auto Pay Amount displays the automatic payment amount.
    Note: Installation Option Algorithm for Auto Pay Amount calculation should be set to APAM-SETT (CIPPKDSX).
  • The Auto Pay Stop User ID indicates the user who has stopped the automatic payment.
    Note: Data appears in this column when the automatic payment is stopped.
  • The Auto Pay Stop Date/Time displays the date and time when automatic payment was stopped.
    Note: Data appears in this column when the automatic payment is stopped.
  • The Auto Pay Stop Amount displays the automatic payment amount which was stopped.
    Note: Data appears in this column only when the automatic payment is stopped.

You can stop automatic payments that appear in the grid (using the Stop Autopay button at the bottom of the page). The following point describes the auto pay action:

Related Topic:

Parent Topic: Maintaining Bills