Order - Main - Person Information

The Person Information section contains demographic information about the customer / prospect.

CAUTION: This page contains a subset of person-oriented information. If you need to define other person-oriented information, transfer to Person - Main after the order is completed.

If this is a new customer, select Create New Person and enter demographic information in the fields that follow. Otherwise, select Use Existing Person and use the Name field or press the search button to find the customer. After you select an existing person, the following events takes place:

  • The person's name appears beneath the person search (and the person context menu can now be used to drill down to person-oriented pages). Note, the person's name is formatted by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's name format algorithm for an example. If you prefer different formatting logic, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately.
  • If any of the Questions & Misc Fields (on the next tab) are used to capture person-oriented characteristics, the person's existing characteristic values are defaulted.
  • If the selected person has at least one account, information about the account is displayed in the Account Information section (if the Campaign makes uses of accounts). In addition, if any of the Questions & Misc Fields (the next tab) are used to capture account-oriented characteristics, the account's existing characteristic values are populated in the respective rows on this tab.
  • Information about the person is displayed in the fields that follow.

Use Person/Business to indicate if the customer is a Person or a Business. This value controls how the person's primary name is validated. Note, for new customers, this value defaults based on the Campaign.

Names are used when you look for a customer based on their name. In addition, a person's primary name is the addressee on the person's bill unless overridden by the Override Mailing Name (defined on Person - Contact Information). To modify a name, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new name, press + to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

  • Use Name Type to indicate if the name is an Alias, Alternate Representation, Doing Business As, Legal, or Primary name. Note, for new persons, a value of Primary is defaulted.
  • Use Person Name to define the person's name. Note well, the name is case sensitive.
Note: Alternate representations of a person's name. You would use an Alternate Representation for a person's name when you have an alternate ways to define the person's primary name. Alternate representations are typically used in countries that use multiple character sets (e.g., the Primary name is entered in Chinese, the Alternate Representation is entered in English). When a person has an alternate name, both the main and alternate names can be used to search for a person. The Alternate Representation Name Type only appears if you have enabled alternate addresses on the installation record. Refer to the description of the Alternate Representation field under Installation - Main for more information.
Note: Validation is performed by a plug-in. The validation that is applied to Person Name (e.g., a comma separating the last and first name - Smith,Patricia) is controlled by a plug-in algorithm on the installation record. Refer to the base package's name validation algorithm for an example. If you prefer different validation logic, your system administrator should configure the system appropriately.

Phone numbers are used to look for accounts and persons. For new customers, the phone type(s) default based on the Campaign. To modify a telephone number, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new telephone number, press + to insert a row, then fill in the information for each field. The following fields display:

  • Phone Type indicates the type of phone number, e.g., Home, Mobile, Business,...
  • Use Phone Number to define the telephone number. Enter the telephone number in the format described by the Phone Format.
Note: Formatting is performed by a plug-in. The format that is applied to a Phone Number is controlled by the algorithm that is plugged in on the respective Phone Type. You can also have this plug-in convert input values into formatted values, e.g., this algorithm could transform all numbers into a formatted string. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should configure this algorithm appropriately.
  • Enter the Extension, if any, of the telephone number.

A person's ID has several uses:

  • It is used when you look for a customer based on their ID.
  • It is used to highlight potential duplicate persons.
  • It displays a person's primary identification in the search results area to help a user identify the customer when multiple customers match the search criteria.

The person ID usage flag on the installation record indicates whether or not at least one id for a person is required or optional. The ID Type defaults from the installation record based on the Person Type (Person versus Business). The following fields are used to define a customer's primary ID.

  • Indicate the type of identification in the drop down.
  • Enter the identification number in the adjacent fields. Please note that if the ID number should be formatted (e.g., dashes in an American social security number), you do not have to enter the dashes. Rather, you can enter the information as a contiguous value and the system will format this for you. The format is shown in the adjacent Identifier Format column.
Note: Formatting is performed by a plug-in. The format that is applied to a person ID number(e.g., dashes in an American social security number) is controlled by the algorithm that is plugged in on the respective ID Type. If you prefer a different format, your system administrator should configure this algorithm appropriately.
Note: A person can have many forms of identification. The order transaction only caters for a single form of ID (as this is the most typical situation). If you want to specify additional person ID's, you must transfer to Person - Main after the person is created (persons are created when the order is saved).

Specify the customer's Email ID (if any).

Define the Language in which the person prefers their bills and correspondence printed.

Note: The person's language defaults from Installation Options - Person.
Fastpath: Refer to Customer Language for more information on options for supporting multiple languages for your customers.