Approve Price Assignment - Comparison: New versus Existing

The Comparison: New versus Existing zone lists the existing and the new price assignments defined in the system. You can approve, cancel, reject a price assignment through this zone. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description
Approval Transaction ID Displays the approval transaction id.
Submitter ID Displays the submitter id who has created the price assignment request.
Approval Transaction Information Displays information about the approval transaction
Action Indicates the action that can be performed on the price assignment. The valid values are:
  • Add - Allows you to define the tiering setup of the price assignment

  • DEL - Allows you to delete the tiering setup of the price assignment.

  • UPD - Allows you to upload the tiering setup of the price assignment.

In addition to the above fields, this zone also contains the following two sections:

  • New - It consists of the new approved price assignments.

  • Existing - It consists of the existing or old price assignments.

In addition, this zone also contains the following buttons:
Button Name Button Description
Approve Used to approve the price assignment.
Return to Submitter Used to reject the price assignment.
Revert to Original Used to cancel the price assignment.

By default, the Comparison: New versus Existing zone does not appear in the Approve Price Assignment screen. It appears when you click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the approval transaction ID in the List Of Price Assignments zone.

The changes made are highlighted in both the sections for the respective fields. The fields change according to the price assignments.

You can click on Approve button, Return to Submitter button, or Revert to Original button to Approve, Reject or Cancel the price assignments, respectively.

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