Rejecting a Price Assignment for an Account


To reject a price assignment for an account:

  1. Click the Menu link in the Application toolbar.
    A list appears.
  2. From the Main menu, select Approval Workflow and then click Approve Price Assignment.
    The Approve Price Assignment screen appears.
  3. In the Search zone, enter the search criteria by selecting either Account in the Search By field.
    Note: ORMB search engine supports wildcard search, where you can substitute the percentage (%) symbol as a stand in for any word or letter in a search criteria. You can use the '%' wildcard character in all input fields except the date and ID fields. The '%' wildcard character is suffixed automatically at the end of the partial search criteria. Therefore, you may or may not specify the wildcard character at the end of the partial search criteria. However, you have to prefix the wildcard character manually wherever required.
  4. Click Search.
    A list of accounts that meet the search criteria appears in the Search Results section.
  5. Click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the account whose price assignments you want to review for approval.
    The List of Price Assignments zone appears.
  6. Click the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to the Transaction Id in the List of Price Assignments zone, whose details you want to view and approve.
    The Comparison: New Versus Existing zone appears.

    By default, any modifications will be highlighted in the Yellow (9933FF) color and new additions will be highlighted in the Purple (FFFF66) color. You can easily change these default colors. For more information on how to set the colors used for highlighting, see Setting the C1_​AXENTITY Feature Configuration.

    Only those users who have access to the application services for each business object within the approval workflow group will be able to view the details of the price assignment request.

  7. Review the pricing details, tiering ranges, and price assignment characteristics, and if they are not appropriate, then click Return to Submitter.
    The Rejection/Cancellation Reason screen appears.
    Tip: Alternatively, in the List of Price Assignments zone, you can select the check box corresponding to the price assignment request that you want to reject, and then click Return to Submitter.
  8. Select the reason for rejecting the price assignment request and enter the comments in the respective field.
  9. Click OK.
    The Approve and Revert to Original buttons are disabled. You will no longer be able to view this request in your workflow for approval.

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Approve Price Assignment screen Approve Price Assignment
Search zone Search
List of Price Assignments zone List of Price Assignments