GL Accounting Template (Used for Viewing)

Once you create a template, the GL Accounting Template screen allows you to:

  • View the details of a template

  • Edit the details of a template

  • Delete a template

  • Submit a template for approval

  • Approve or reject a template

  • Deactivate a template

This screen consists of the following tabs:

  • Main - Displays information about the template. It contains the following zone:

    • GL Accounting Template - Displays the details of the template.

  • Log - Lists the complete trail of actions performed on the template. This tab contains the following zone:

    • GL Accounting Template Log - Displays the trail of actions performed on the particular template.

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How to view the details of a GL Accounting Template Viewing the GL Accounting Template Details
How to edit a GL Accounting Template Editing a GL Accounting Template
How to delete a GL Accounting Template Deleting a GL Accounting Template
How to submit a GL Accounting Template Submitting a GL Accounting Template
How to approve a GL Accounting Template Approving a GL Accounting Template
How to reject a GL Accounting Template Rejecting a GL Accounting Template
How to deactivate a GL Accounting Template Deactivating a GL Accounting Template

Parent topic: General Ledger (GL) Accounting Template