Editing a GL Accounting Template


To edit a GL Accounting Template:

  1. Search for the template in the GL Accounting Template screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the GL Accounting Template Information column corresponding to the template whose details you want to edit.
    The GL Accounting Template screen for editing appears.
  3. Click the Edit button in the GL Accounting Template zone.
    Note: The Edit button appears when the template is in the Draft or Rejected status.

    The GL Accounting Template screen appears. It contains the following sections:

    • Main - Used to specify basic details about the template. This section contains the following fields:

      Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Process Used to specify a particular process. Yes
      Description Used to indicate the description of a process. Yes
      Sub Process 1 Used to specify a Sub Process 1. Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required if Process is Bill Segment or Payment Segment or Adjustments
      Sub Process 2 Used to specify a Sub Process 2. Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required if Process is Bill Segment or Payment Segment or Adjustments
      Sub Process 3 Used to specify a Sub Process 3. Yes (Conditional)
      Note: This field is required if Process is Bill Segment or Payment Segment or Adjustments.
      Sub Process 4 Used to specify a Sub Process 4. No
      Sub Process 5 Used to specify a Sub Process 5. No
      Effective Start Date Used to specify date for a template which is effective from a particular date. Yes
      Effective End Date Used to specify date for a template which is effective till a particular date. No
    • GL Accounting Template Lines - Used to specify the template lines in a GL accounting template. This section contains the following columns:

      Column Name Column Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
      Sequence No Used to specify the sequence number. Yes
      Credit/Debit Used to indicate whether template lines are of credit or debit. Yes
      Conditional Algorithm Used to specify the algorithm which specifies that template line is valid or not. No
      Distribution Code Used to indicate the distribution code which indicates the template associated with the charge. Yes
      User Defined Amount Field Used to indicate the amount to be used in a template line. Yes

      If you want to specify more than one template lines, click the Add (The Add Icon) icon corresponding to the sequence No and then specify the details.

      However, if you want to remove a template line from the template, click the Delete (The Delete Icon) icon corresponding to the sequence No.

      You can search for a conditional algorithm and distribution code by clicking the search (The Search Icon) icon corresponding to the respective field.

      At least one credit and one debit line is required while defining a template.

  4. Modify the details of the template, if required.
  5. Click Save.
    The changes made to the GL Accounting template are saved.

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