Submitting a GL Accounting Template


To submit a GL Accounting Template, you should have:

  • Process and GL Accounting template lines defined in the template.


To submit a GL Accounting Template:

  1. Search for the template in the GL Accounting Template screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the GL Accounting Template Information column corresponding to the template that you want to submit.
    The GL Accounting Template screen appears.
  3. Click the Submit button in the GL Accounting Template zone.
    The system behaves in the following manner:
    If... Then...
    Approval Required Flag is set to Yes in the C1-GLATSUB algorithm. A To Do of the C1-GLAT To Do type is created and sent to the approver and the status of the template is changed to Approval In Progress.
    Approval Required Flag is set to No in the C1-GLATSUB algorithm. The template is created using the specified process and the status of the template is changed to Active .

    The Submit button appears when the template is in the Draft or Rejected status.

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