Transaction Legs

The Transaction Legs zone allows you to view the legs of a transaction. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Transaction ID Indicates the transaction to which the transaction leg belongs.
Transaction Leg Status Indicates the status of the transaction leg. The valid values are:
  • Uploaded

  • Initial Price Item Derived

  • Ignored

  • Error

  • Cancelled

  • Completed

  • Invalid

Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Initial Price Item Code Indicates the initial price item to which the transaction is mapped.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Price Item Parameters Displays a comma-separated list of parameter values. It indicates the price item parameters and their values which are used along with the final price item for determining price item pricing.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list and when the Multi Price Parameter option type of the Multi Parameter Based Pricing (C1_​PPARM_​FLG) feature configuration is set to True.
Final Price Item Code Indicates the final price item to which the transaction is mapped.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Pricing Rule Information
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined option from the Search By list and when the transaction is uploaded for the health care domain.
Price Assignment ID Indicates the effective pricing which is available for the account, price item or regular bundle (to which the price item belongs) or parent (regular) bundle (to which the regular bundle belongs) and/or variance parameter or price item parameters (parameter group) combination on the processing date.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Aggregate Transaction Indicates whether the transaction leg is aggregated. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Billable Charge ID Indicates the billable charge in which the transaction leg is included for billing.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Transaction Source Displays the transaction source from where the transaction is received.
Transaction Record Type Displays the record type of the transaction.
Transaction Upload Date Displays the date when the transaction is uploaded in the system.
External Reference Number Displays the external reference number of the transaction.
Customer Reference Number Displays the reference number using which the error message is created for the transaction performed by particular customer.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Error option from the Search By list.
Disaggregation Status Indicates whether the transaction is disaggregated or not. The valid values are:
  • Yes

  • No

Transaction Date Displays the date when the transaction is performed.
Transaction Amount Displays the transaction amount.
Transaction Volume Displays the total transaction volume.
Division Indicates the division to which the derived account belongs. The derived account means the account which will bear the charges for the transaction.
Sequence Displays the sequence number of the transaction leg.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Error Message Indicates the reason why the price item pricing verification or billable charge creation process failed.
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, Error, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Account Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the account which bears the charges for the transaction separated by a comma (,). The string includes the account identifier type, account identifier, and division (to which the derived account belongs).
Note: This column appears only when you select the Initial Price Item Determined, Ignored, Error, or Completed options from the Search By list.
Rule Indicates the rule which was met while determining the initial price item for the transaction.

It has a link. On clicking the link, the Rule screen appears where you can view the details of the respective rule.

This column appears only when you select the Ignored, Error, or Completed options from the Search By list and when the transaction is uploaded for the financial services domain.

Transaction Information Displays the concatenated string of information about the transaction separated by a comma (,).
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Transaction Detail View screen appears where you can view the details of the respective transaction.

The Transaction Legs zone does not appear for transactions which are in the Uploaded, Cancelled, or Invalid status.

However, the Transaction Legs zone appears for transactions which are in the Uploaded status and partially disaggregated.

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