Base View Generation

The application displays data model as base views. A base view gives an idea of the technical table structure with a number of benefits:

  1. A base view combines fields from base and translation tables

  2. A base view includes fixed and dynamic fields

  3. Extensibility structures like dynamic field and dynamic record definition have additional views.

For more details about the types and the structure of the base views, refer to Overview.

This API enables the creation and inspection of generated base views.


This API supports the following operations:


/baseviews (re)generates base views


/baseviews/\{view name}/regenerate (re)generates the base views


/baseviews/\{view name} deletes the base views

This a long running operation through REST. See, "HTTP API/IP Concepts" chapter of the Developer Guide for more information on the general concepts of these operations.

A POST request on http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/baseviews/search retrieves information about the generated base views.


This API requires a grant for access restriction `baseviewgenerations IP.

Response Message

A format similar to the following is returned for each matched base view:

Base View Generation Response Message (click to open)
  "viewName": "<name of the view>",
  "status": "<status of the view in the database>",
  "lastDDLTime": "<when the view was created or updated for the last time>",
  "comments": "<explanation of the view>",
  "errors" : [
      "line":"<line number of the error>",
      "sequence": "<sequence of the error>",
      "text": "<error message>"
  "columns" : [
      "columnName":"<name of the column>",
      "columnId":"<sequence of the column in the view>",
      "comments": "<explanation of the column>"
  "links": [
      "href": "{apiurl}/baseviews/\{view name}/regenerate",
      "rel": "baseview:regenerate",
      "httpMethod": "POST"
      "href": "{apiurl}/baseviews/\{view name}",
      "rel": "baseview:delete",
      "httpMethod": "DELETE"

This operation returns a status as described in Response Messages. Typically, if at least one matching base view is found, status code 200 is returned; otherwise, 204 is returned.

Link operations:

  • baseview:regenerate: This operation generates all base views of a single table, and it is an asynchronous operation.

  • baseview:delete: This operation drops the base view from the database, which is useful if a dynamic field usage has been dropped and rendered the view invalid.