Reference Sheet Line Integration Point

The purpose of this integration point is to create, update and delete reference sheet lines. The integration point supports both message based and file based communication.


This API supports the following operations:


/referencesheetlines returns all the sub resources on referencesheetlines.


/referencesheetlines/\{reference sheet resource name}/{id} returns all the sub resources on referencesheetlines.


/referencesheetlines/{referencesheet}/{id} returns all the sub resources on referencesheetlines.


/referencesheetlines/{referencesheet}/{id} returns all the sub resources on referencesheetlines.

  • This integration point does not support creation, update or deletes of reference sheets. To load reference sheet lines using this integration point, the container reference sheet(s) must be created beforehand in the relevant UI page in Oracle Health Insurance Components. This involves picking or creating a dynamic record definition.

  • This integration point supports loading reference sheet lines for one reference sheet at a time. A separate request must be sent for different reference sheets.


The url for the reference sheet line integration point will refer to the reference sheet resource name:


Create and update requests of reference sheet lines are sent in as PUT requests on the above URL. Matching is done based on the columns that are set up as key columns. The start date and end date of a reference sheet line are used in case the reference sheet is set up to be time valid; in that case, the start date will be part of the key.

Consider a reference sheet with resource name "persondata", the url to send in requests for the reference sheet lines for this reference sheet will be:


The system accepts the reference sheet line request message in the following format:

  "code" : "HTTP123",
  "description" : "Line Description",
  "age"  : 12,
  "startDate" : "2016-01-01",
  "hobbies" : {
    "code" : "Cricket",
    "flexCodeDefinitionCode" :"Hobbies"
  "elementId" : 123

A delete request of a reference sheet line is sent in using the HTTP DELETE method on the above mentioned url. The payload body should contain the attributes that are set up as the key for the reference sheet line that needs to be deleted.

If no keys are configured for a reference sheet, then no matching on functional key is possible. Therefore, a PUT will always result in the creation of a new record and a delete needs the id of the reference sheet line.

Response Messages

Response messages are created by the Oracle Health Insurance application in response to request messages received from external interfaces. See Response Messages for more details.


Batch requests enable the handling of multiple requests in one go. Because the volume of data can become quite extensive, these are file based requests. See Data File Sets for more details.

Batch Messages

Reference sheet line batch request messages have the following structure:


Reference sheet line batch response messages have the following structure:


Consider a reference sheet with resource name "personinformation" and "personinfo" is the usage name , the batch request will look like:

    <personinfo elementId="1" startDate="2016-01-01">
       <description>Line Description</description>
       <hobbies flexCodeDefinitionCode="Hobbies" code="Cricket"/>
    <personinfo elementId="2" startDate="2017-01-01">
       <description>Line Description</description>
       <hobbies flexCodeDefinitionCode="Hobbies" code="Basketball"/>

The batch response will look like:



The elementId attribute that is included as part of the result messages element (see Activities for more details) refers to the elementId which was sent in for correlation.

Delete of reference sheet lines for batch requests are handled using indicator indDeleted on a reference sheet line.

    <personinfo elementId="1" startDate="2016-01-01">
       <description>Line Description</description>
       <hobbies flexCodeDefinitionCode="Hobbies" code="Cricket"/>
    <personinfo elementId="2" startDate="2017-01-01">
       <description>Line Description</description>
       <hobbies flexCodeDefinitionCode="Hobbies" code="Basketball"/>

Error Messages

For batch request, if resource name is not known, then it fails with ACT-VL-DAFI-003. The message request with an unknown resource name will return 404.

In addition, functional business rule messages may be returned as well as the standard messages related to dynamic fields and dynamic records (see Response Messages).