Base View Details

The Base View Generation can be used to generate base views and to browse them.

Creating Base Views

There is one base view for each functionally meaningful entity of the Oracle Health Insurance application. Besides the entity model, also the extensibility configuration influences the generation of the base views. The (re)generation of the base views is not done automatically, but must be triggered using the above mentioned integration point.

Events that may result in (re)generation of the base views:

  • The initial installation of an Oracle Health Insurance application

  • The installation of a patch of an Oracle Health Insurance application

  • The installation of a new version of an Oracle Health Insurance application

  • A change in the extensibility configuration

  • An import using CMT that impacts the extensibility configuration.

A CMT export does NOT include the generated base views. Therefore, it is needed to regenerate them in the target environment after an CMT import when the extensibility configuration has changed.

The base views are part of the Oracle Health Insurance database schema. That means that the base views ARE part of a database dump or export that contains the whole schema.

Joining Base Views in Queries

When creating queries on base views, you may want to join multiple tables either for a master-detail relationship, or a main table with a lookup/reference table. For this purpose some knowledge of the data model is required: mainly the foreign key naming convention. This convention uses the table alias in combination with the identifying column of the master or referenced table.

The table aliases for all tables can be found in 2 ways:

  • Using database access: in the base view OHI_TABLES_BV.
    Note that you find the table names there and not the base view names. That means without the _BV postfix used for the base views which are created on top of those tables. For example: table CLA_CLAIMS and alias CLAI to be used for the usage of base view CLA_CLAIMS_BV.

  • Using generic HTTP API resource “tables”: pointing to the same source table as the above mentioned base view OHI_TABLES_BV and an alternative way to get to this info (e.g. filtering on name.eq('CLA_CLAIMS').

More information on the data model can also be obtained by using generic HTTP API resources:

  • \baseviews: view level with a list of all columns and the option to regenerate the view (e.g. filtering on viewName.eq('CLA_CLAIMS_BV')).

  • \baseviewcolumns: columns with their descriptions (e.g. filtering on tableName.eq('CLA_CLAIMS').

Below some examples with the involved base views per use case and how to join them.

Example 1

A claim with claim lines

  • Master:

    • Name: CLA_CLAIMS_BV

    • Alias: CLAI

    • Identifying column: id

  • Detail:


    • Alias: CLLI

    • Foreign key to master: clai_id

  • Join: cla_claim_lines_bv.clai_id =

Example 2

A claim line that references a procedure.

  • Main:


    • Alias: CLLI

    • Referencing column: proc_id

  • Lookup:


    • Alias: PROC

    • Identifying column: id

  • Join: cla_claim_lines_bv.proc_id =

Example 3

A claim referencing two different providers, a servicing provider and a payment receiver.

A claim in Claims has multiple references from the claim to the provider. If there are multiple references, the foreign key column name holds the purpose of the reference. In this example we use the prov_id_service and prov_id_payment_receiver.

  • Main:

    • Name: CLA_CLAIMS_BV

    • Alias: CLAI

    • Referencing column: prov_id_service (referring to the provider performing the service)

    • Referencing column: prov_id_payment_receiver (referring to the provider to send the payment to)

  • Lookup:


    • Alias: PROV

    • Identifying column: id

  • Joins
    Because you are joining to the same view ohi_providers_bv twice, use distinct aliases.

    from ohi_claims_owner.cla_claims_bv       claims
    join   ohi_claims_owner.ohi_providers_bv  service_provider on claims.prov_id_service =
    join   ohi_claims_owner.ohi_providers_bv  payment_receiver on claims.prov_id_payment_receiver =

Types of Views

This section describes the various types of views that are created and their definition.

A Base View for Each Entity

For each entity B, a view is generated with the following characteristics:

Table 1. A Base View for Each Entity
View Property Value Example Value





Comment from Base Table

Evaluated benefit specifications by claim lines during claims processing.

The view name consists of:

  • Internal Application Area Code

  • '_'

  • Entity Name

  • '_BV'

The internal application area codes organize data model objects into separate functional areas. The entity names correspond to the data model names (in the Configuration Guide) more or less directly.

The view generation does not generate a view for each and every entity/table. It skips tables that are technical, or bound too much to internal processing. Use the generic HTTP API resource "tables" to get the list of skipped tables. Those tables have indicator indGenerateBaseView with value "false".


The base view contains the following columns:

Table 2. Columns
Category Condition Alias Alias Example Comment Comment Example

Fixed columns in the base table

The column is not a technical column, nor a horizontal dynamic field column. The column does not contain PII



From Base Column Comment

The code of the product

Fixed columns in the translation table

The column is not one of ('ID', 'LANGUAGE, 'SOURCE_LANG', 'BASE_TABLE_ID'). The column does not contain PII

<TL Column Name>


From TL Column Comment

The description of the product

For each dynamic field usage defined for the base table

Single Value, non Time Valid, type=Field, IND_PII = N




For each dynamic field usage defined for the base table

Single Value, non Time Valid, type=Code IND_PII = N



Admission Type


DynamicFieldUsage.displayName ID

Admission Type ID


FlexCodeFieldUsage.displayName of the descriptor column

Admission Type Description

Method toUpperWithUnderscores() denotes the conversion from CamelCase to UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES. For example, accidentDate gets converted into ACCIDENT_DATE.

Fixed Columns

The implementation guide’s data model section gives more information about the fixed attributes. These columns have the same names and data types as the underlying table columns. The contents of columns are not transformed by the views.

Dynamic Field Columns, Single Value, Not Time Valid

Those dynamic fields come in two flavors, which are handled differently:

  1. The dynamic field is a free field. Free fields can hold a character-, a numeric- or a date value.

  2. The dynamic field is a code field. Code fields can be of type flex code, procedure, diagnosis or provider.

Not all Oracle Health Insurance applications support flex codes of all types. Some may support only flex code and provider for example.
Free Field

For free fields, a single column is added to the view. The column name is based on the usage name of the dynamic field, converted from CamelCase to UPPERCASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES.

Code Field of Types Flex Code, Diagnosis, or Procedure

For code fields of type flex code, diagnoses or procedure, the view contains three columns:

  • The first column holds the internal technical key of the code field

  • The second one holds the key value of the flex code with the same usage name based naming convention as used for free fields.

  • A third column contains the description of the flex code:

    • for flex code the description shows the descriptor field

    • for diagnosis and procedure the description shows the description of diagnosis and provider.

Code Field of Type Provider

For code fields of type provider the view contains six columns. The first and second are identical to the flex code, procedure and diagnosis types.

A second set of columns shows relevant information of the provider if applicable:

  • Initials

  • First name

  • Middle name

  • Name

when the usageName changes, and the views get regenerated, all SQL statements that use the old column name of the view need to be changed as well.

A Base View for Each Dynamic Field That is Time Valid or Multi-Value Type Field

For every dynamic field usage of type field, an additional base view is generated with following characteristics:

Table 3. Time Valid or Multi-Value Type Field
View Property Value Example Value


<Base Table>_DF_<Usage>_BV



This is a dynamic field view for <usage.displayName>

This is a dynamic field view for Color.

The view has those columns:

Table 4. A Base View for Each Dynamic Field That is Time Valid or Multi-Value Type Field: Columns
Alias Alias Example Comment Comment Example



Identification generated by the system

Identification generated by the system



Reference to <BASE VIEW>

Reference to CTR_CLAIMS_BV



Admission Type



Start Date

Start Date



End Date

End Date

The start- and end date are only included for time valid usages.

A Base View for Each Dynamic Field That is Time Valid or Multi Value Type Code

For every dynamic field usage of type code, an additional base view is generated, identical to a dynamic field of type field. Instead of a single column that holds the value, three columns are created:

Table 5. A Base View for Each Dynamic Field That is Time Valid or Multi Value Type Code
Alias Alias Example Comment Comment Example

ID, BASE_TABLE_ID, START_DATE, END_DATE as in field example






Admission Type



Admission Type


FlexCodeFieldUsage.displayName of the descriptor column

Description of the admission type

A Base View for Each Dynamic Record

For every dynamic field usage of type record, an additional base view is generated with following characteristics:

Table 6. A Base View for Each Dynamic Record
View Property Value Example Value


<Base Table>_DR_<Usage>_BV



This is a dynamic record view for <usage.displayName>

This is a dynamic record view for Color.

The view has those columns:

Table 7. A Base View for Each Dynamic Record: Columns
Condition Alias Alias Example Comment Comment Example



Identification generated by the system

Identification generated by the system



Reference to <BASE VIEW>

Reference to CTR_CLAIMS_BV

For each flex code field usage of type Field



Hobby of the member

For each flex code field usage of type Code



Admission Type


flexCodeFieldUsage.displayName() ID

Admission Type ID


FlexCodeFieldUsage.displayName of the descriptor column

Description of Admission Type

Time valid=Y



Start Date

Start Date

Time valid=Y



End Date

End Date

A Base View for Each Flex Code Definition

For every flex code definition, an additional base view is generated with the following characteristics:

Table 8. A Base View for Each Flex Code Definition
View Property Value Example Value


COD_FLEX_CODES_<Code of the Flex Code Definition>_BV



Description of the flex code definition

Branch of work

Those views are useful for retrieving the 'valid values' of a flex code definition.

No base views are generated for flex code sets. This is not possible because the definitions of the flex code definitions in the set may be different, making it impossible to union them together in a single views.

The view has those columns:

Table 9. A Base View for Each Flex Code Definition: Columns
Condition Alias Alias Example Comment Comment Example



Identification generated by the system

Identification generated by the system

For each flex code field usage



Branch of work code

Removing Existing Base Views

Existing base views for which the source where they were based on no longer exists, are removed during the base view generation process.

Examples are:

  • A dynamic field usage has been dropped or renamed

  • A table has been dropped after installation of a new application version, rendering the base view obsolete.