
The Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit

Oracle Health Insurance uses the Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit, or Oracle JET as it is more commonly called, for its user interfaces.

Oracle JET allows to build client-side user interfaces that consume and interact with web services such as Oracle Health Insurance’s REST based api’s.

Each Oracle Health Insurance installation comes with a set of JET pages that allow you to configure the system, run operations and maintain data.

What is displayed, how it is displayed, how data is sorted, what are the search conditions, and much more, is highly configurable by the user. A seeded page can be customized by copying its floor plan and making changes to that copy.

Oracle Health Insurance stores its JET page configuration as part of the Oracle Health Insurance object model. It can be migrated from one Oracle Health Insurance instance to another (say from development to test or from test to production) using the Oracle Health Insurance Configuration Migration Tool (CMT).

Oracle Health Insurance supports having multiple UI pages for the same resource(s), each fine tuned to the position in your workflow, the properties of the object or the connected user. The system automatically selects the appropriate presentation, based on the configuration.

Floor Plans

A floor plan is the description of an actual JET page. Along with the floor plan, the metadata and actual data from a resource render the UI page.

A Floor Plan Template specifies the basic behavior of a page. For example

  • Is the page intended to search data?

  • Is the page intended to view and edit data?

  • Is the page intended to present a list of values?

Based on the Floor Plan Template the page is rendered in a different base structure and contains different features. Within the base structure, floor plan configuration can be used to customize the page further.

See Floor Plan Overview for more details on floor plan templates.

Floor plan templates and floor plans are delivered as a part of the application installation. For page customization users can make a copy and change it or add a floor plan. See Floor Plan Configuration for more details on how to configure floor plans.


Components are the building blocks of a JET UI floor plan. A floor plan can only hold the components specified for the floor plan’s template. See Floor Plan Overview for an overview of the components and the floor plan templates that support them.


A property is the most granular level in the Jet user interface. A component consumes one or more properties. The usage of a property is within the context of the component, for example, the Result component holds actions, title, description, labels, set1 and set2 as properties.

A property can be 'nested', meaning that a property holds properties of its own. For example the Advanced Search component in the Person Search page holds (amongst others) the properties code, firstname, name, and addressList. If we want to search for a person based on the postal code of its address we use the postalCode property of the addressList property.

See Properties for more details on properties.


Widgets are reusable modular components that can be used as part of floor plans.

Basically, widgets enable the user to view on demand, encapsulated information from predetermined data sources. Ideally, they optimize screen space usage, present personalized content based on the user’s preferences and, in some cases, allow active interaction with the underlying system.

See Widgets Overview for a list of available widgets and where and how to use them.

JET UI Menu and Page Access

The JET UI menu cannot be re-configured. However, access to each of the menu items can be secured through the Oracle Health Insurance user access model. See Functional Access Restriction (JET) and the application specific 'Access restrictions for JET pages' located in the same guide.


The Oracle Health Insurance application is built using Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) components, such as tables and input text. Oracle JET components have built-in accessibility support. They follow the guidelines that the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets. Oracle JET components conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0 at the AA level (WCAG 2.0 AA).

To know more details about the JET accessibility and keyboard shortcuts, see Accessibility and Keyboard Shortcuts.