Generate Claim Events

The Generate Claim Events operation forces the system to evaluate the Claim Event Rules for a Claim. Depending on the configuration of the Claim Event Rules, this may lead to the generation of one or more Claim Events.

For example, after resolving a Pend, the system sends out a Workflow Done Event. As a response, the receiving system forces to generate a new Claim Event calling Generate Claim Events on the Claim.

The Claim Event Request operation is available for Claims in all statuses.
Adds a link to the resource representation.

To Trigger on a Claim

 ... claim properties ...
 "links": [
      "href": "http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/claims//{id",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/claims/{id}/generateclaimevent",
      "rel": "claim:claimeventrequest",
      "httpMethod": "POST"

Calling POST on this link forces the system to evaluate the Claim Event Rules.
This evaluation does not differ from when a status transition triggers it.
No event generates if none of the Claim Event Rules apply to the Claim.

Returns an HTTP Status 200 code together with a resource representation of the Claim.


The access restriction claims.generateclaimevent integration point protects this operation.

Response Message


With successfully updating a resource, the server responds in the following way:

  • Redirects HTTP 200 OK together with a full response body or request to Claims API.

Table 1. Failure
Response Description

HTTP 401


HTTP 404

Claim is unknown

Please refer to Response Messages for more details.