Current Properties

All Oracle Health Insurance applications rely on system properties to enable different kinds of behavior. The Installation Guide contains an exhaustive list of the available system properties.

A property value can be set either by specifying a value in the property file or by specifying a value through the HTTP API. A property value that is specified in the property file overrides any value set through the HTTP API. In other words, if a property is specified in both ways, the application uses the value specified in the property file.

The Current Properties API makes it transparent, per property, which value is in effect and whether or not it can be overridden by the HTTP API.


This specific API supports the following operations


/currentproperties returns all properties


/currentproperties?name=<prefix> returns the properties for which the name starts with the given prefix


/currentproperties/<property> returns the property for which <property> is the exact name of the property

System Properties are lazily loaded by the Oracle Health Insurance applications. That means that the properties that are not set in the properties file, nor in the HTTP API, may or may not show up in this resource. They will only show if they are requested for by the relevant functionality of that Oracle Health Insurance application.

GET (all)

This operation returns all properties.

Example of a Response Message for the Current Properties
    "items": [
        { "name": "ohi.environment.identifier",
          "readOnly": true,
          "value": "Dev"
        { "name": "ohi.servicecallout.url",
          "readOnly": false,
          "value": ""

In the example above, the ohi.environment.identier is readOnly and therefore cannot be changed using the HTTP API. The ohi.servicecallout.url is not readOnly and can be set through the HTTP API. Refer to Property Management for more information on setting a property.

It is possible to store a value using HTTP API for ohi.environment.identier even when present in the properties file. The value will not be used though.

GET (subset)

This operation returns a subset of the properties. Use the query parameter "name" to filter the results on their prefix. This enables you to filter the results on properties starting with the prefix, for example, ohi.environment.

GET (one)

This operation returns the property if the property name exactly matches the path parameter {property}.

Response Message

This operation returns a status as described in Response Messages, typically 200 if a matching property is found or 404 if no property of that name is found.


This API requires a grant for access restriction 'currentproperties IP'.