Outbound Integration Point

This API lists the integration points in the Oracle Health Insurance application that have a configured endpoint. The list summarizes the property and client settings configured in Oracle Health Insurance. Also, see Outbound Restful Service Invocations.



/outboundintegrationpoints retrieves the integration points with a configured endpoint.


The GET request to /outboundintegrationpoints retrieves the outound integration points with a configured endpoint.

Response Message

The response returns all integration points, endpoints, and their attributes, as shown in the following partial example:

Outbound Integration Point Response Message (click to open)
  "items": [
      "name": "Financial Message IP",
      "endpoints": [
          "useCase": "FinancialMessageNotificationClient", (1)
          "authenticationFeature": "BasicAuthentication",  (2)
          "HTTPMethod": "POST",                            (3)
          "messageMediaType": "application/json",          (4)
          "destinationURL": "<some URL>"                   (5)
      "name": "Resend Financial Message IP",
      "endpoints": [
          "useCase": "ResendFinancialMessageClient",
          "authenticationFeature": "BasicAuthentication",
          "HTTPMethod": "POST",
          "messageMediaType": "application/json",
          "destinationURL": "<some URL>"
Attributes Description
1 useCase: A unique identification of the use case that sends the message.
This can be the fixed identification for the integration point in context, for example, FinancialMessageNotificationClient for the Financial Message Notification integration point.
The Callout integration point supports multiple configurations through dynamic logic functions. In this case the use case refers to the callout definition code.
2 authenticationFeature: The authentication mechanism for sending the message.
3 HTTPMethod: The HTTP method used for sending the message (PUT or POST).
4 messageMediaType: The type of payload (JSON or XML).
5 destinationURL: Destination URL of the message.


This API requires a grant for access restriction outboundintegrationpoints IP.