Close Financial Transaction Set

This integration point enables you to close a financial transaction set.

The operations:financials:generate-financial-message.adoc activity normally, at the end of the activity, removes all financial transactions from the financial transaction set that are not handled, and closes the financial transaction set.

Unhandled financial transactions are, for example, transactions that are on hold.

However, the activity provides an option to keep the financial transaction set open after creating financial messages and to not remove the financial transactions. Leaving the transaction set open provides for the following possibilities:

  • Review, approve, or confirm multiple transactions within a transaction set.

  • Perform these steps at different time for each transaction or a small group of transactions. Each transaction progresses at its own pace through each step.

  • Payout individual transactions as soon as they confirm, rather than waiting for the confirmation of all transactions in a set.

  • Create a transaction set in which individual transactions enter and are paid out over a predetermined period, such as a week or two.

When, after a certain period of time, the transaction set must be closed (for example weekly sets that would be closed a week after transactions stopped being accepted into them - moving any not yet ready transactions to a later week’s set).


This specific API supports the following operations


http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/financialtransactionsets/{id}/close closes the financial transaction set.

Response Message

The financial transaction set is updated to Closed. All financial transactions in the financial transaction set and not handled by the generate financial message activity are removed from the set. The application returns the status code 200 OK.

See the "Response Messages" section in the HTTP API Integration Points part of the Developer Guide for more information.

Error Messages

A financial transaction set closes only when there is no financial transaction set level activity for the designated financial transaction set. There must be no financial transaction set activity for the financial transaction set in context to the status integration point (in progress).

When such an activity is running, the application returns the following error message and keeps the transaction set as open:

Table 1. Error Message
Code Severity Text



Cannot close the financial transaction set because a {activity type code} activity is currently running


This API requires a grant for access restriction financialtransactionset.close IP.