Floor Plan Configuration

A floor plan is the description of an actual JET page. Along with the floor plan, the metadata and actual data from a resource render the UI page.

A customer can change certain aspects of a page or application by changing or updating the floor plans . Oracle Health Insurance delivers a set of floor plans as part of the application installation [1]. The delivered floor plans themselves cannot be customized or deleted. To customize a floor plan users can either make a copy of a delivered floor plan and change it, or create a new floor plan.

Create or change a floor plan through:

  • The floor plan configuration page within the JET UI menu [2].

  • The generic API on the floor plans resource [3].

  • The 'Add to Floor Plan' wizard [4].

Create a New Floor Plan

The following applies when creating a new floor plan.

Code, Description

Use a unique code for the new floor plan.

Page name, Template and Resource

Use the same Page Name, Floor Plan Template and Resource as those of the (system) floor plan that you want to customize. The page may not render with a different properties.

For dynamic records recursive pages use {object collection name}-{dynamic field usage name} as the page name. For example, individualproviders-TestDynamicRecordUsage.


See Floor Plan Overview for JSON structure and available components within the template.

Context Based Condition

The context condition under which the floor plan is used. Add if required.

The chapter Floor Plan Loading and Storage explains how to load a different floor plan based on a floor plan context condition.

Floor plan context based conditions are not the same as the condition property of a component. See Condition for more information on component conditions.
Role Based Condition

The role condition under which the floor plan is used. Add if required.


The relative priority when evaluating the floor plan conditions. Add a numeric value else the plan will be given the least priority.

System Specific

A custom floor plan must always have System Specific set false (un-checked).

Auto Include Extensibility

Setting the Auto Include Extensibility? to true when creating a floor plan, includes all dynamic fields and dynamic records that are specified on the resource, in the floor plan.

If a floor plan does not require all dynamic fields and dynamic records, set Auto Include Extensibility to false and add the required dynamic fields and dynamic record through the Add to Floor Plan wizard or through the JSON payload.

It is not possible to create a floor plan for a resource for which no existing page is available.
Applicable only for View and Edit - HR, View and Edit - Table, and the Search Object - Table templates.

Change an Existing Floor Plan

On a system specific floor plan you can only change the Enabled? setting. The description of a floor plan can be changed but only if you are using a non-system-specific display language.

On a non-system specific floor plan the same rules apply as when creating a new floor plan.

See Floor Plan Components Configuration for more details on changing the components within a floor plan. This includes: * Adding or removing elements from the page including dynamic fields and records * Re-ordering the elements on the page or the tabs within the page * Updating the search criteria, for example, adding additional search component to the page or expanding existing quick search criteria * Updating existing sort or adding additional sort criteria giving user the ability to re-order the results based on a criteria * Adding pre-filters to limit the number of search results.

Adding Dynamic Fields to a Floor Plan

The wizard 'Add To Floor Plan' in the Extensibility → Usages page adds dynamic fields or dynamic records to an existing custom floor plan. If there is no custom floor plan present, the wizard allows the creation of a new custom floor plan by copying the system floor plan after which it adds the dynamic field to that custom floor plan.

1. Delivered floor plans have the property System Specific? is true.
2. In the menu: Configuration → System → Floor plans
3. …​/api/generic/floorplans
4. Available through the Item Actions in the Configuration → Extensibility → Usages page.