Undo Line Replacements

Line Replacements can be undone when a claim is in status change by using undolinereplacement operation. This operation is included for a given claim only when there is at least one replaced claim line and the status of the claim is "Change".

  ... claim properties ...
 "links": [
      "href": "http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/claims/{id}",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/claims/\{claim id}/undolinereplacements",
      "rel": "claim:undolinereplacements",
      "httpMethod": "POST"

The system performs the following business operations:

  • all claim lines that replace another claim line(s) are removed

  • all non-replaced claim lines that have a skip tag are removed

  • the consumption taken by the removed lines are transferred to the claim header level.

  • all replaced claim lines are restored and their skip tags are removed

  • all messages (claim and claim line) with a skip tag are removed

  • all allowed amount skip tags on claim lines are removed


The operation in this section is protected by access restriction "claims.undolinereplacements IP". A grant must be given with both the Read and Update flag set. Read grant must also be given to the access restriction "claims API".

Response Message


HTTP 200 OK after the operation is completed successfully.


Table 1. Failure
Response Description

HTTP 401


HTTP 404

Claim is unknown

HTTP 409

Claim is not in the Change status

See Response Messages for more details.