Purging Authorization Data

Oracle Health Insurance applications store a significant amount of information. This page describes the integration point that enables the user to purge data from the operational authorization tables. The two primary scenarios for using this integration point are to purge information that is beyond its retention period on a production environment, and to reduce the size of non-production environments.

This integration point removes authorization data and all their details, taking a number of criteria to control the scope of the purge process.

Note that the purging process excludes authorizations with consumption. This means that authorizations that are linked to claim Lines (through consumptions) are not purged. Run the Purging Claims Data process before the authorization purging process for discarding those links. This removes authorization consumptions of claim Lines. Afterward, the authorizations purging process removes the authorizations, including their counters and counter periods.

The operation described here is a long-running operation. The progress of this operation can be monitored by the links provided in the response that is returned when the operation is successfully initiated. They are the hypermedia link with rel="monitor" and rel="operator".

Long-running operations are described in the "HTTP API/IP Concepts" chapter of the Developer Guide.


This process is started by making a POST request to the URI:


This process is a long-running operation initiated through RESTful web service. The payload for this request contains the selection criteria for the authorizations to be purged.

The request message has the following structure:

  "periodUom" : "",
  "periodLength" : "",
  "formCode" : "",
  "authDynUsageName1" : "",
  "authDynValue1" : "",
  "authDynUsageName2" : "",
  "authDynValue2" : "",
  "authDynUsageName3" : "",
  "authDynValue3" : "",
  "commitSize" : "",
  "currentDate" : ""
Table 1. Explanation of elements in the request
Parameter Description


This required parameter specifies, together witch period length, the retention period. Specify the unit of measure as D (days), M (months) or Y (years)


Required parameter that specifies the length of the retention period


This optional parameter specifies the authorization form. Only Authorizations with the specified form purge.


Dynamic Field Usage Name


Dynamic Field Value


Dynamic Field Usage Name


Dynamic Field Value


Dynamic Field Usage Name


Dynamic Field Value


This is an optional parameter. A larger commit size improves the performance of the purge long-running operation at the cost of requiring more computing resources, a larger undo tablespace. If unspecified each table is purged after 5000 statements per table, followed by a commit per table.


This is an optional parameter. Use it in test environments only. Calculate the retention period as if today is currentDate instead of the system date. This enables purging recent records in test situations.

Retention Period

The retention period is derived from the system date. The age of an authorization is determined by the last updated date on the authorization header. The retention period is at lest 30 days.

For example, a retention period of ten years purges all authorizations that have not been updated in 10 years as of the day the user calls this integration point.

Dynamic fields as selection criteria

It is possible to specify up to three single-value dynamic fields on the authorization table as criteria for the purging process. Use the following format for dynamic fields of type date: YYYY-MM-DD.


The following example purges only the authorizations with the ONCOLOGY form and product line (dynamic field on the authorization table) HMO that are older than ten years.

  "periodUom" : "Y",
  "periodLength" : "10",
  "formCode" : "ONCOLOGY",
  "authDynUsageName1" : "productLine",
  "authDynValue1" : "HMO",
  "authDynUsageName2" : "",
  "authDynValue2" : "",
  "authDynUsageName3" : "",
  "authDynValue3" : "",
  "currentDate" : ""

Response Messages

This service can respond with the following messages:

Table 2. Response Messages
Code Message


Invalid number of days: {0}, it should be 30 or more


Period length must be a positive number


The request must include both Period UoM and Period Length


Authorization Form Code is unknown


Dynamic Field Usage Name {0} is unknown for table {1}


Dynamic Field Usage Name and Value must both be provided

Optional: Purge Notification

The purge integration point provides a call back feature to a pre-configured endpoint. This feature provides the following response to the configurable endpoint once the purge triggered by an external system through IP has concluded. The structure of notification is as under. If the endpoint is not configured (generic or specific), the notification is not sent.

<notification correlationId="" workId="{workId}" status="Success/Failure" >

The generic notification endpoint can be configured as property 'ohi.purge.notification.endpoint' in the Oracle Health Insurance application’s properties file. The notification endpoint can be overridden for specific purge types, e.g. specify property 'ohi.purge.notification.endpoint.Authorizations' to have the system deliver all notifications for an authorizations purge to a specific endpoint.

If the notification endpoint is configured on the specific type, all other properties are also fetched based on the type or else defaults are used. Similarly, if the endpoint for the notification endpoint is configured using generic property, then all other properties are fetched on a generic uses code PurgeNotificationClient. Please see section Outbound RESTful Service Invocations in the Security Guide for the process and more properties.


This operation is protected by the access restriction "purgeAuthorizations IP".