Keystore Migration

This API migrates keystores stored in secret between different versions of the same application. This is an important step when upgrading an application to a newer version.



/keystores/export exports keystore’s data from an older version of an application


/keystores/import imports keystore’s data to the newer version of the application.


The GET request to /keystores/export exports keystore’s data from an older version of an application.

The request returns a JSON file with secretly-stored keystore. The response file has a unique name say, <uniquefilename>.json.

  "keyStoreName": "keyStore",
  "keyStorePassword": "<keystorepassword>",
  "aliases": [
      "aliasName": "key",
      "issuer": "CN=OHI",
      "subject": "CN=client",
      "startDate": 1695743065948,
      "validityDays": 1,
      "keyAliasPassword": "<keyaliaspassword>",
      "aliasCertificate": "<certificate>"


The POST request to /keystores/import imports keystore’s data to the newer version of the application. The request registers all keystore from the older version of the application to the newly-configured keystore on the fresh application.

The request accepts a multipart/form-data and takes a file as input (for example, keystore.json). The parameter name for the request is keystore.

The operation returns an HTTP 204 (No Content) response if the operation succeeds, else reports an HTTP 404 error.


This API requires a grant for access restriction Keystores IP.