Property Definitions

All the Oracle Health Insurance applications rely on system properties to enable unique behavior. The Installation Guide contains an exhaustive list of the system properties.

This API retrieves the system property definitions, including the relevant characteristics.


This specific API supports the following operations


/propertydefinitions returns system property definitions, including the relevant characteristics.


/propertydefinitions?name=<prefix> returns the system property definitions, for which the name starts with the given prefix


/propertydefinitions/<property> returns the system property definition, for which <property> is the exact name of the property

GET (all)

This method returns all the system property definitions ordered by name.

Example of a Response Message for the System Property Definitions
    "items": [
        "name" : "ohi.policies.calculate.commission",
        "description" : "This property can be set to true if a license for commission calculation is present.",
        "deprecated" : false,
        "mandatory" : false,
        "defaultValue" : "false",
        "possibleValues" : "true or false",
        "accessMode" : "Protected",
        "changeEffective" : "AfterRestart"
    }, {
        "name" : "ohi.policies.calculate.leapyear.fiscalyear.startmonth",
        "description" : "Can be set to let the fiscal year start at another month than January. Used for leap year detection. If for example set to 4, the period of 2019-04-01 to 2020-03-31 is now the leap year. \nIf this property is not specified, days in a year is considered as 365 for non-contracted policies.",
        "deprecated" : false,
        "mandatory" : false,
        "defaultValue" : null,
        "possibleValues" : "Positive integer, values between 1 and 12",
        "accessMode" : "Public",
        "changeEffective" : "NextExecution"

This operation returns a status described in Response Messages, typically 200.

Table 1. Attributes of a system property definition
Attribute Description


The unique name of the property. This name may include a placeholder like {0}. For example ohi.service.{0}.client.authentication.


Describes the purpose of the property and actual value that the property must use for placeholders.


  • true: Future release will deprecate and remove the system property definition.

  • false: The system property definition does not deprecate.


  • true: Set this value explicitly for the application to start properly. This means a property with a defaultValue is never mandatory, as it has a default value.

  • false: There is no need to supply a value.


The property uses this value when there is no explicit value.


A list of the values for this property.


  • Public: Users (Cloud Services) can set this property.

  • Protected: Only (Cloud Services) administrators can configure this property.


Shows when a changed value takes effect. The values are:

  • Immediate: Changes take effect immediately.

  • NextExecution: Changes apply with the next execution of the use case or business process.

  • AfterRestart: Changes implemented after restart of the Oracle Health Insurance application.

The Immediate value of the ChangeEffective attribute does not influence the polling delay for reading the properties file. It only defines when changes that polling detects effectuates in the application.

Get (subset)

This operation returns only the system property definitions that have their name, starting with the given prefix, ordering each value by name.
Use the query parameter "name" to filter the results on their prefix. This enables you to filter the results on properties starting with the prefix, for example, ohi.environment.

This operation returns a status as described in the Response Messages. If it finds at least one matching property the value is typically 200. 204 if there is no match.

GET (one)

This operation returns the property if the property name exactly matches the path parameter {property}.

This operation returns a status as described in Response Messages. If it finds a matching property, the value is typically 200. If it does not find a property with that name, then it is 404.


This API requires a grant for access restriction 'propertydefinitions IP'