
The Credentials API enables registering clients and their credentials (username or password). This is required when Oracle Health Insurance applications call RESTful services secured by Basic Authentication.



/credentials retrieves an overview of the REST clients


/credentials/{code} retrieves the credential with this code.


/credentials/{code} creates or updates the credential with this code.


/credentials/{code} removes the credentials for the credential key with this code.


/credentials/export extracts a JSON file with credentials stored in secret.


/credetials/import uploads a JSON file with credentials to an application.


The GET operation on /credentials returns an overview of the Oracle Health Insurance-defined or customer-defined REST Client use cases. The overview shows the credential key, the authentication feature, and identifies whether there is a credential registered for the use case.

Example of a Response Message for a Credential Request (click to open)
  "credentialStatuses": [
      "credentialKey": "DataReplicationPersonEntities",
      "credentialRegistered": true,
      "customerDefined": false,
      "authenticationFeature": "BasicAuthentication",
      "links": [
          "href": "{apiurl}/credentials/DataReplicationPersonEntities",
          "rel": "self"
      "credentialKey": "DataReplicationPersonEvents",
      "credentialRegistered": true,
      "customerDefined": false,
      "authenticationFeature": "BasicAuthentication",
      "links": [
          "href": "{apiurl}/credentials/DataReplicationPersonEvents",
          "rel": "self"
        } ]
    } ]


The PUT operation /credentials/{code} registers a credential for a client (credential key) in the ohistore credential store. It updates an existing credential or creates one.

It accepts a credential in the following JSON format:

  "username": "a_username",
  "password": "a_secret_password"


The DELETE operation on /credentials/{code} deletes the credential with the given credential key. The operation returns an HTTP 404 (Not Found) response if it does not find a credential for the specified credential key. It returns an HTTP 204 (No Content) response if the operation succeeds.

GET (Export)

The GET request on /credential/export exports the credential’s data from an application.

The request returns a JSON file with secretly-stored credentials. The response file has a unique name say, <uniquefilename>.json.

The response file can be used to migrate credentials between different versions of the same application.

Response Message

  "credentialKey": "DataExchangeExportNotificationClient",
  "username": "TestUser3",
  "password": "<credentialpassword>"

POST (Import)

The POST request on /credentials/import uploads a JSON file with credentials to an application.

The request registers all credentials from the export application to the import application.

The import can be used to migrate credentials between different versions of the same application.


The request accepts a multipart/form-data and takes a file as input (for example, credentials.json). The parameter name for the request is credentials.


This API requires a grant for access restriction 'credentials IP'.