User Information

This integration point provides the ability to fetch the user information (user preferences, access restriction grants, etc.) and to update the user preferences of the logged in user.



http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/userinformation fetches the user information of the logged in user


http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/userinformation/userpreference updates the user preferences of the logged in user

Request Messages

Example Request Message to Update User Information (click to open)
  "accessibilitySet": "",
  "highContrast": "",
  "largeFonts": "",
  "screenReader": "",
  "displayLanguageCode": "",

Response Messages

Example Response Message for User Information (click to open)
  "loginName": "",
  "displayName": "",
  "lastLoginTimestamp": {
    "value": ""
  "defaultCountry": {
    "code": "",
    "amountNumberFormat": "",
    "integerFormat": "",
    "numberFormat": "",
    "primaryDateFormat": "",
    "secondaryDateFormat": ""
  "userPreference": {
    "accessibilitySet": "",
    "highContrast": "",
    "largeFonts": "",
    "screenReader": "",
    "displayLanguageCode": "",
  "accessRestrictionGrantList": [
      "accessRestriction": {
        "code": "",
        "type": "",
        "id": ""
    "retrieve": "",
    "create": "",
    "update": "",
    "delete": ""
    "code": "",

This integration point provides HTTP status codes as defined in Response Messages. If an error occurs, the appropriate HTTP status code is returned and a notification is sent containing error details. This way, the request can be sent again after the reason for failure has been fixed.

Error Messages

The following error message that is specific to this integration point can be returned in the response messages:

Table 1. Response Messages
Code Severity Message



Language code {code} is unknown


This API requires a grant for access restriction 'userinformation IP'.