In Local JMS, you create destinations by setting the localJMSQueueNames and localJMSTopicNames properties of the /atg/dynamo/messaging/MessagingManager component. For example:


When a Nucleus-based application starts up, it creates these destinations. To access a Local JMS destination in your code, you use JNDI references of the form:


For example, localdms:/local/Orders.

You can also use the DMS configuration file (discussed in the Configuring Patch Bay section) to create Local JMS destinations. These destinations are specified by name, separated into topics and queues:





When a Nucleus-based application starts up, it creates these destinations with the JNDI names localdms:/local/MyApp/RegistrationEvents, localdms:/local/MyApp/FinancialEvents, and localdms:/local/MyApp/Orders.

Remember that Local JMS keeps no state, so adding these topics and queues simply creates named locations for messages to be sent locally. Nothing is actually added to a back-end storage system.

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