In most cases, when you modify a Java class definition during development, you need to not only recompile the class, but also to reassemble your application to load the new class definition. Nucleus can also use a disposable Class Loader to instantiate components and to resolve class names in general, which under some circumstances you might be able to use to reduce the number of times you need to reassemble your application during development. This disposable Class Loader loads classes from one or more directories defined by the atg.nucleus.class.path system variable. The value of this variable is a comma-delimited list of directories or URLs. These classes must not exist in the regular CLASSPATH; if they do, they are loaded by the regular class loader and are not reloadable. Nucleus then uses a special disposable Class Loader to load the classes specified by atg.nucleus.class.path, if it cannot find those classes in the regular CLASSPATH.

To use the Class Loader:

The disposable class loader does not work with any code that uses java.lang.Class.forName to resolve a class, such as Relational Views.

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